The Question Although the New England and Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? Use the documents AND your knowledge of the time period up to 1700 to develop your answer.
1. Key Words Underline the key words in the question. New England Chesapeake region English origin By 1700 Two distinct societies WHY
2. Outside Information List all information about time period CLE (Capital Letter Evidance) Names Dates Terms Events
Conceptualize the facts MD TERPS Military Diplomatic Technological Economic Religious Political Social You do not need to use all! Sometimes the question will dictate which you should use.
3. Write Thesis Writing Thesis Resources
Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were both settled mainly by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies.
By 1700, the Chesapeake and New England colonies developed into two distinct societies. What is wrong with this thesis? It doesn’t answer how or why there are 2 distinct societies
By 1700, the Chesapeake and New England colonies developed into two distinct societies due to their motives for coming to America. What is wrong with this thesis? Doesn’t say what their motives are, or how motives created different societies
By 1700, the Chesapeake and New England colonies developed into two distinct societies. The Chesapeake society developed more as a result of English citizens who were looking for wealth while the New England society developed as a society based on religion. What is wrong with this thesis? Answers WHY but not HOW.
The Chesapeake society developed as a result of English citizens who were looking to become wealthy while New England developed because of religion, which can be examined by analyzing the social and political systems that developed in the regions before 1700. What is wrong with this thesis?
Underline = Position you are taking as to why the colonies developed differently Circle = criteria being used to prove position
Organization of Essay P1 P2 P3 P4 New England – Religion – Social Structure P2 New England – Religion – Political Structure P3 Chesapeake – Wealth – Social Structure P4 Chesapeake – Wealth – Political Structure
The New England & Chesapeake colonies developed into two distinct societies which led to differences in the social, political, religious and economic structures of each society. What is wrong with this thesis?
The New England & Chesapeake colonies developed into two distinct societies due to the make up of the initial settlers, which led to differences in the social, religious and economic structures of each society. What is wrong with this thesis?
The New England & Chesapeake colonies developed into two distinct societies due to make up of the initial settlers, which led to differences in the political and economic structures of each society. What is wrong with this thesis? What was the initial make up?
The New England & Chesapeake colonies developed into two distinct societies because New England was settled by families, while the Chesapeake was settled by gold-seeking men, leading to differences in the political economic and social structures of each society. What is wrong with this thesis?
Underline = Position you are taking as to why the colonies developed differently Circle = criteria being used to prove position
4. Outline the Essay Without looking at documents
Organization P1 New England – Families – Political Structure P2 New England – Families – economic structure P3 New England – Families – Social Structure P4 Chesapeake – gold-seeking men– Political Structure P5 Chesapeake – gold-seeking men– Economic Structure P6 Chesapeake – gold-seeking men– Social Structure
The geographic and religious differences of the regions led to different economic and political structures. What is wrong with this thesis? What are the geographic & religious differences?
Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were both settled by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions evolved into two distinct societies because the Chesapeake climate & soil was suited to establishing large plantations, while New England colonies soil was rocky and difficult to cultivate. This led to the regions developing different political and social structures.
By 1700 the New England and Chesapeake colonies developed into two distinct societies in spite the fact they were both settled by people of English origin, because upon arrival, the New English set up a theocracy while the Chesapeake colonists established a government based on wealth and aristocracy, leading differences in the economic and political structures of the colonies.
5. Documents Analyze all documents Look at title, date & author Why are they significant? Why do they show?
Fit as many documents as you can into your already outlined essay. Each document does different things so try to use most if not all of them. Try to cite the document by type “As the map (document B) indicates…and as the cartoon (document D) shows…” Or by name: “As Hamilton argued, the National Bank was essential for national growth.”
If possible, like brief descriptions to the names you use. “Alexander Stephens, a Whig senator from Georgia, noted in the Southern Literary Journal that the South…”
6. Strive for Balance While coverage of the documents is important, but the INCLUSION OF OUTSIDE INFORMATION IS CRITICAL. Strive for balance.
Preferred Approach State your thesis clearly and directly in the first paragraph. Write a paragraph setting the scene and demonstrating outside knowledge Finally, move on to support your thesis with a nice blend of SPECIFIC information from both documents and outside sources. Write a concession paragraph and conclusion.