Hillsmeade Primary School Term 3 2009 Teacher Professional Leave These PD and focus group sessions are designed to assist all staff to gain an understanding.


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Presentation transcript:

Hillsmeade Primary School Term Teacher Professional Leave These PD and focus group sessions are designed to assist all staff to gain an understanding of the e5 instructional model, to the extent that it can be recognised and confidently discussed in Individual Learning Teams, in order to become part of usual classroom practise and positively impact Student Learning. A longer term goal is for all staff to be able to apply the model to their own lessons.

· 21 st July 3.45 – 4.30 Pd on E5 – Where we are coming from. What is it? Where did it come from? How can we use it? Where does it fit in? Global Learning Centre · 4 th August 3.45 Focus Groups Meetings – discussing pre-readings and meanings of an individual part of the e5, engage, explain, explore, elaborate or evaluate. · 18 th of August – all staff in Global Learning Centre – putting together all the different domains. · 1 st of September - TBA E5 (Possibilities are Evaluation vs. Assessment, or parallels between POLT and e5, or beginning actual application but will be designed on a needs basis) · 15 th of September – E5 pulling it all together. · Evaluation, feedback and where to next?

The Blueprint for Government Schools (2003), which set a major capacity-building agenda in government schools to enhance the quality of school leadership, teaching and learning and the school curriculum, through initiatives such as the Victorian Essential Learning Standards the Effective Schools Model the Performance and Development Culture the School Accountability and Improvement Framework (DEECD website)

The Blueprint II released in 2006

Action 20: Professional learning for teachers We will provide access to effective professional learning for teachers in all sectors. As a foundation for this, we will collect and share evidence on the characteristics of effective professional learning, including working in teams and learning from other teachers. Professional learning will be closely linked to the workplace context and the sophisticated use of technology to develop skills and improve practice, including through the Ultranet. A specific priority will be to disseminate an instructional model for teachers to support effective teaching practices in classrooms. This will assist teachers and school leaders to refine and develop their knowledge around high-quality instruction and improve their capacity to translate it into practice. In the next twelve months we will collect and share evidence on the characteristics of effective professional learning across all sectors disseminate an instructional model for teachers. (taken from the full document of Blueprint 2, 2006)

This is the e5 symbol

The e5 is an instructional model which is like a template for teaching and planning. Instructional Models are used to select and to structure teaching strategies, methods, skills and student activities for a particular structure or emphasis. “ the e5 is not a recipe for teacher practise but rather a framework to inform conversations and guide the observation, critique and reflection of classroom practise”. (P4 e5 black book) It is a guided enquiry approach

Usually an instructional design model tells us how to organise appropriate pedagogical scenarios to achieve instructional goals. The idea being that what children learn depends not only on what they are taught but also on how they are taught, their developmental level, and their interests and experiences... These beliefs require that much closer attention be paid to the methods chosen for presenting material..” (Understanding the common Essential learning's Saskatchewan Education 1988 p.0)

The e5 gives a valid framework with which to deliver the VELS It works with POLT, identifying and utilising best practise of teachers. POLT in many ways is like the environment aspect of teaching, and the e5 the teaching process. However they do blend in many areas and are not really designed to stand separate from each other. (This is subjective, feel free to disagree. )

The e5 was adapted from a Instructional Model used for teaching science, previously known as the 5 e’s. Without going into detail it has survived rigorous study and is well founded in research and has had excellent results. DEECD did not whip it up out of nowhere. It has taken years of development from all educational stakeholders to appear as it does now for use in all Victorian schools. (See handouts for 5e’s)

To enable a shared and common language with which to discuss methods of teaching. Identified beforehand but found for certain that an Instructional model was required was at the 2006 Big Day Out for principals. (See context handout)

To assist us in our planning To provide a checklist of quality instruction To give us a shared understanding To give us a common language Hopefully find a way that suits the teachers at Hillsmeade to develop an understanding of the e5 that works for us, particularly in terms of real rather than just theoretical application.

The e5 Model is separated into 5 instructional areas called domains. They are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate. Instructional practice capabilities are the expected knowledge skills and dispositions required in each domain. The capabilities are underpinned by performance indicators and quality criteria The domains also involve levels 1 through to 4. Like the P&DC., the first level is the most basic and level 4 is amazingly deep. We’ll work out a deeper meaning in groups. Warning - Engage is not only the traditional understanding of engage.

Explain Demonstrate Imitate Coach Task/Trials

Explanation Demonstration Application Replication Repetition Conclusion

In the handouts there are examples of other types of Learning/Teaching Models. They include reference to Discovery learning (Don’t state the objectives) Direct Instruction (More teacher controlled) Inquiry based – (E5) Co-operative Learning Many more in handouts...