January 2014 Traditional games: LA BELLA LAVANDERINA THE PRETTY WASHERWOMAN eTwinning project “Let’s grow up together” year 2 Class 3 A Rignano sull’Arno Primary school - Italy
This a traditional nursery-rhyme that the children sing stayin in a circle and clapping their hands. One of them is the washerwoman, stays in the middle and mimes the movements. At the end of the song, the child in the middle of the circle gives a kiss to another child and he/she is the new washerwoman.
La bella lavanderina che lava i fazzoletti per i poveretti della città The pretty washerwoman washing the handkerchiefs for the poor people of the town
Fai un salto Take a jump
Fanne un altro Take another
Fai la giravolta Turn around
Falla un’altra volta Turn again
Guarda in su Look up
Guarda in giù Look down
Dai un bacio a chi vuoi tu Give a kiss to whoever you want