Curriculum for Excellence Consultation Madras College November 2011
Curriculum Levels LevelStage EarlyPre-school and P1 1 st to the end of P4 2 nd to the end of P7 3 rd & 4 th S1 to S3, equates to SCQF 4 SeniorS4 to S6
Implementation Timetable SessionLevelStage rd S rd /4 th S rd /4 th S Senior S Senior S Senior S6
Priorities Implement CfE courses in S2 Literacy, numeracy and health & well being integrated into all S2 courses Complete S2 course summary and descriptors Develop assessment and reporting Plan courses for senior phase
S2-S3 Curriculum EnglishMaths Health & W-b Techno- logy Mod LangScience Social Subjects Expresi- ve ArtsOption 4 periods 4 periods 5 periods 2 periods 2 periods 4 periods 3 periods 2 periods 4 periods Literacy, Numeracy, Skills for learning, Skills for life, Skills for work All Pupils All Pupils All Pupils PSE. PE, HE, RME All Pupils Comp. DT Mod Lang or Literacy And Numer- acy Choose 2 from Biology, Chem., Physics Bus Ed plus 1 From Geog., History Mod Stud or Classics Choose 1 from Art, Music, Drama Choose 2 from Column 6 to 8, or other choices
Qualifications ExistingSCQFNew Foundation 3 Access 3 Access 3 3 Access 3 General 4 National 4 Int 1 4 National 4 Credit 5 National 5 Int 2 5 National 5 Higher 6 Higher AH 7 AH
Assessment National 4 Courses will be assessed by teachers No external assessment or grading National 5 Courses will be assessed by teachers SQA external assessment Courses graded A-D
Senior Phase Courses Time – 160 hours 30 periods of 53 minutes per week Course requires 180 periods At 5 periods per week need 36 weeks At 6 periods per week need 30 weeks We also need to deliver Health and Wellbeing
Senior Curriculum Rationale What principles should we adopt in looking at the structure of the senior phase? Inclusion…
Destination-led Curriculum Flora, high flier Lewis, dyslexic Bert, young carer Anna, career orientated Grant, middle ability What provision do we need to make to meet the needs and aspirations of each of these learners?
Into Practice - Learner Journeys What structures do we need to put in place to ensure that all these learners’ needs are met?
Madras Senior Phase Next steps Complete our curriculum rationale Consider timetable structures Model a curriculum Test the model