P2: Radiation and life Self assessment test
Question 1 We can see the Ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum: TrueFalse
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No, sorry……… You need to revise the electromagnetic spectrum. With this link, please remember that often, the electromagnetic spectrum is pictured with the high energy waves (e.g. gamma rays) on the right hand side.With this link, please remember that often, the electromagnetic spectrum is pictured with the high energy waves (e.g. gamma rays) on the right hand side.
Question 2: which of the people is the most likely to burn quickest when out on a sunny day? Click on the correct face.
No, sorry…… You need to revise how UV light can affect our skin: Click here.Click here
Question 3: Benefits of UV light. When the skin absorbs sunlight, it causes the body to make more of which vitamin? 1.AA 2.BB 3.CC 4.DD
No sorry You need to learn about the benefits of UV light for health neficial_effectshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultraviolet#Be neficial_effects
Question 4: The atmosphere absorbs, reflects and transmits radiation. Which of those does this show? First, click here. 1.AbsorbAbsorb 2.TransmitTransmit 3.ReflectReflect
No, sorry… You need to learn the difference between absorb, transmit and reflect. Go to the next page.
Question 5: Ozone has a formula of O 3. What are the names of the chemicals that change O 3 to oxygen (O 2 )? AFCs BFCs CFCs
No, sorry… Watch this animation to get the correct answer.Watch this animation to get the correct answer.
Question 6: In order for infrared radiation to be detected, it must be: absorbed reflected
No sorry….. See the animation on page 11 of the following link: physics/pc/lessons/uk_ks4_waves_2/h- frame-ie.htmhttp://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/content/keystage4/ physics/pc/lessons/uk_ks4_waves_2/h- frame-ie.htm
Question 7: Which of the following types of radiation is ionising? Visible light Infrared Ultraviolet Microwave
No, sorry… You need to learn about ionising and heating radiation, and which types they include. Go to: science/21c/radiation/electromagneticradi ationrev6.shtml
Question 8: Which type of radiation do mobile phones use to communicate with the base station? 1.InfraredInfrared 2.MicrowaveMicrowave 3.GammaGamma 4.UltravioletUltraviolet
No, sorry… Go to science/21c/radiation/hazardsradiationre v3.shtml
Question 9: Is microwave radiation ionising? 1.YesYes 2.NoNo
No, sorry…. You need to learn which types of radiation are ionising. Go to science/21c/radiation/electromagneticradi ationrev6.shtml
Question 10: Are x-rays ionising? 1.YesYes 2.NoNo
No, sorry… Go to science/21c/radiation/electromagneticradi ationrev6.shtml
Question 11: If we didn’t have an atmosphere, what would happen to the temperatures of our planet? 1.They would get hotterThey would get hotter 2.They would get colderThey would get colder 3.They would fluctuate to greater extremesThey would fluctuate to greater extremes
No, sorry… 1.To get the correct answer, compare it to Mars, which doesn’t have an atmosphere like ours (click on the solar system button): _preload.html
Question 12: Which of these three things does not increase the CO 2 levels in our atmosphere? Driving cars that use fossil fuels Factories Photosynthesis Respiration
No, sorry… You need to learn about the carbon cycle. Please go to: timedia/uploads/alberta/CarbonCycle.htm l
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