Planning, optimization and regulatory issues Theme 2 Planning, optimization and regulatory issues Geza Joos, McGill University 0. Title slide, official project title, researchers, affiliations You can of course have many more notes, but you should keep your slides as minimal as possible, ideally with diagrams or pictures more than words. The diagrams used in this template are just for ideas: please use your own diagrams where possible. I've used Tahoma 28-34pt font for text, which you should keep to. The majority of the presentations that I see have text in a 10pt font with as much text as possible jammed into the slide, which the presenter then reads. As soon as the audience figures out that the presenter is reading the text, it reads ahead because it can read faster than you can speak. The result is that the audience gets bored.
Definition/features – microgrid Geographically delimited Connected to the main grid at one point fed from one substation May operate islanded Includes distributed generation (DG) renewables (inverter interfaced): wind, solar fossil fuel based (synchronous generators): CHP Includes an energy management system controlling power exchanges, generation and load with storage and demand response
Distributed generation – renewables Generation close to the load – siting Advantages/benefits Green energy – reduced environmental impact Enhanced reliability and flexibility Energy cost – competiveness (generated/delivered) New issues/differences Output variability – energy and power (ramp rates) Not schedulable/controllable – must run at MPPT Impacts – power quality (voltage variations, ramp rates) Grid integration and operational impact (loading, faults) Responsibility – maintenance, faulted operation
Microgrid implementation issues Business proposition for the microgrid owner Economic justification – kW cost, reliability, resiliency Participation in market/energy supply Ownership Private/IPP Utility Role and benefit for utilities Grid support – impact on the transmission system Role in power system restoration Operational/regulatory issues Responsibilities and jurisdiction – right to disconnect
Expected developments – smart grids Smarter distributed energy resources (DER) More communications between DER New grid topologies from point to point (generation to load) to distribution supply points, from radial to looped Active DER – voltage/Var regulation Note: not all of the smart distribution grid technologies are necessary/applicable to smart microgrids
Issues addressed in Theme 2 Business case Justifying the setting up of a new microgrid, optimizing operation, configuring existing distribution systems into microgrids, regulatory issues Energy supply security Load management and demand response Making better use of the energy resources Case studies – benchmarks, typical systems and use cases
Application examples/justification Isolated/offline microgrids Remote communities – reducing the cost of electric energy, reliability, environment impact – Canada north Remote and movable military bases – supply security Industrial, community and commercial microgrids Large campuses – GHG reduction (green energy), energy independence – grid support and energy exchanges – BCIT Military bases – alternative energy supply, benefits of storage (EVs)
Projects and personnel in Theme 2 Cost-benefits framework – secondary benefits and ancillary services Lead: G Joos, McGill University HQPs: 2 MEng and 1 PhD (equivalent full time); total trained: 3 MEng, 2 PhD Energy and supply security considerations Lead: R Iravani, University of Toronto HQPs: 2 MEng and 1 PhD (equivalent full time); total trained: 2 MEng, 4 PhD
Theme 2 projects and personnel Demand response technologies and strategies – energy management and metering Lead: K Bhattacharya, University of Waterloo HQPs: 2 MEng and 1 PhD (equivalent full time); total trained: 5 MEng, 3 PhD Integration design guidelines and performance metrics Organization to be determined
Solutions and deliverables Methodology for cost-benefit analysis of microgrids (P2.1) Application to remote communities Microgrids energy management (P2.2) Quantification of impacts and benefits of the microgrid and electrically-close multiple microgrids Demand response (P2.3) Load models, taking into account temporal and locational electricity prices, for demand management
Linkages – Industrial network partners NRCan P2.1 – remote communities, business cases (on going) P2.3 – demand response (on going) Hydro-Quebec/IREQ P2.1 – remote communities (on going) BC Hydro P2.1 – business cases (discussions) Hydro One P2.3 – demand response management (on going) Schneider Electric P2.3 – demand response controller (potential)
Linkages – Industrial network partners CYME P2.2 – network simulation P2.4 – benchmarks and use cases (potential) Manitoba HVDC P2.2 – network simulation, BCIT microgrid (on going)
Linkages – other themes/researchers P2.1 with P1.4 – remote communities (on going) P2.1 with P1.1 – control of DER (on going) Theme 3 P2.1 with P3.4 – operation of the grid (discussions) P2.2 with P3.2 – operation of microgrid (potential) P2.1 with P3.2 – energy management (potential) Within Theme 2 P2.1 with P2.3 – demand response (potential) P2.2, P2.2 with P2.4 – models, benchmarks (potential)
Relevance to Canadian industry/utility Deliverables include Methodologies for evaluating business cases Control approaches for the operation microgrids – DER control and energy management Configuration of microgrids and interaction between microgrids – evaluation towards an intelligent distribution grid Differences with other jurisdictions Distribution system configuration (single phase feeders) Urban, rural and remote microgrids have differing requirements European microgrid solutions do not generally apply