Greenwood Primary School Literacy
Linguistic Phonics - Stage 1 Recognise one sound to one symbol
Importance of vowels Knowledge of vowels is essential at every stage of linguistic phonics.
Linguistic Phonics – Stage 2 & 3 Stage 2 : 4 sound words Stage 3 : Multisyllable words e.g. picnic
Linguistic Phonics – Stage 4 Sounds represented by more than 1 letter ll, ff, ss, zz endings ck ending ng ending ch, sh, th beginnings and endings wh beginning
Phonics Activities
Phonics Activities
Phonics activities
Linguistic Phonics – Stage 5 Sounds can be represented in various ways e.g. ow oa o oe o-e show boat no toe home oy/oi er/ir/ur ou/ow ee/ea/e/y Spelling homework
Reading Reading lesson
What we are looking for Decoding Use of strategies Completing activities Independence
Homework Quality time Maximum 15 minutes at a time Use of suggested follow up activities
Writing for a purpose Genre Progression in Writing Narrative Recount Report Procedural Poems Progression in Writing Modelled Shared Independent
Writing Sample
Writing sample
Teacher’s Response Encourage Marking for a purpose WILF – What I’m looking for
Writing Samples My balloon sworld up over the cam qwit ocean. It danced down to the busy noisy park. Then it popet on a tree. Penguins are found in Antartica. The Antartic is one of the coldist places on erth. A peguin has a brod pouch to ceep the egg warm.
Over To You Provide opportunities for literacy. 3Es- enjoy, explain and encourage. 3Ss- stimulate, share and support. You are one of the most influential partners in your child’s learning!!