Trace concepts & EMRS Fred Bourgeois EMRS National Coordinator Mark Schoenbaum Regional EPI.


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This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational.
Presentation transcript:

Trace concepts & EMRS Fred Bourgeois EMRS National Coordinator Mark Schoenbaum Regional EPI

What is a trace, and basis of EMRS traces? A trace is a series of investigations of premises (farm, sale yard, packing plant, etc.) to: 1.gather evidence about where an animal/group/object came from and where it went 2.assess the need for program-specific actions (test, quarantine, slaughter, etc.) on herds of animals on these premises Note: In EMRS, a trace is a series of linked trace records documenting the movement of the animal/group/object and the assessment of exposure risk Note: special cases with infectious diseases – investigation of contact and adjacent premises to: 1.gather evidence of contact with an infected herd/flock 2.assess the need for program-specific actions (test, quarantine, slaughter, etc.) if appropriate

Tracing work flow and steps – Step 1 Steps continued next page Premises Visit Create a Premises Visit for the index premises, P1, the one believed to be infected first. This is to gather information on movements onto or off the premises on animals, groups of animals or objects (vehicles, equipment, hay, feed, etc) P1 STEP 1

Tracing work flow and steps – Step 2 Premises Visit -Fred Assign a person to gather information and assess if program-specific actions are warranted. On an index herd, the information gathering and assessment are more intensive than on a simple trace of an exposed animal/group/object (AGO)*. In EMRS, on the index herd, this assignment of the gathering is called a Premises Visit /Reason/ Gather Index Traces. A comprehensive word document can be created and attached to the premises visit. P1 STEP 2 *Depending on the program, we may be tracing individual animals, groups of animals, or other objects like hay, milk, eggs, etc.

.01 Trace Gather evidence about where the AGO came from (trace back, into infected herd) and went (trace forward, out of an infected herd), usually via a visit to the premises – put the evidence gathered in the initial Trace record. It is important to get information about both the source and the disposition of the animal because we are often trying to confirm movement records. On the index herd this involves gathering a complete set of information/records on movements of AGOs into and out of the herd. These can be scanned and attached. P1 STEP 3 Tracing work flow and steps – Step 3

.01 Trace In or Out Suppose evidence (in trace record for P1) points to an AGO acquired from another premises say P0. If P0 exists and evidence exists that P0 supplied the AGO, then add a related trace investigation/task for premises P0. P1 STEP 4 Tracing work flow and steps – Step 4 Suppose evidence (in trace record for P1) points to an AGO sold/moved to another premises say P2. If it is confirmed that P2 exists and received the AGO then add a related trace investigation/task for premises P2..02 Trace In P0.02 Trace Out P2 AGO In EMRS the trace under P1 is the “Initiating trace premises”. In EMRS, to speed data entry the creation of secondary traces, such as those illustrated, the creation is done as a process of saving the primary trace record (transfer). Transfer

.01 Trace In or Out State A P1 STEP 4a, trace across state lines Tracing work flow and steps – Step 4a variation.02 Trace In P0.02 Trace Out P2 AGO AGO crossing state lines State B If evidence is that the AGO crossed state lines. State B must be able to access evidence in the trace under P1 – and some of the premises information for confirmation of the movement* *EMRS does this by setting the status of the primary trace (under P1) to “anticipating transfer” and setting the state that is able to view the evidence in the trace record. The secondary state (B) completes the transfer of the investigation to P2. State line Back Into Forward Out

Trace 15 animals P2 STEP 4b, split group trace Tracing work flow and steps – Step 4b variation Trace 10 animals P3 10 animals Trace 5 animals P4 5 animals Split trace is where a group of animals is traced and the group splits with some animals tracing to one premises and the balance tracing another premises

STEP 5 closing trace investigations At the end of the gathering of evidence about the movement of the AGO, a conclusion or result is reached. Tracing work flow and steps – Step 5 If evidence that AGO moved to or from another premises then the conclusion is: anticipate that the traced AGO moved or originated from 1 or more premises but need to confirm the evidence of this movement and other premises are obtained. This result is not complete until confirmation is obtained – the final result might be untraceable (next category) or transferred to another premises. If faulty or no evidence is found on where the AGO came from or went, then: AGO not traceable beyond current premises If evidence indicates that the animal died in or was found in the herd: Traced AGO was located on this premises

STEP 5 closing trace investigations Regarding program-specific actions that may be need or required, another result or closing field might be appropriate for recommendations like: Tracing work flow and steps – Step 5 (continued) Depopulation Testing of the herd Cleaning/disinfection Quarantine Etc. The recommendations for these actions can be captured in Program Closing Reason but actual documentation of these actions are done thru the appropriate follow up form.

The objectives of a database system for traces To document evidence collected in tracing AGOs To monitor tracing work-flow as it is assigned and accomplished To easily share information across state lines about trace investigations from one state to another Additional outputs Ability to step through a trace of a particular AGO from the originating/index premises through to final disposition, displaying premises located and actions taken List all trace investigations from an index herd on a premises and the results of each Schematically demonstrate the traces as in the next slide

Schematic of traces – example branching Infected herd John Doe Sam Smith Roundup Ranch Jackson hacienda Brick farm Strawberry fields 23 cows 1 cow 20 cows 6 cows 14 cows 2 cows Under investigation Untraceable, herd tested Split transfer, herd tested Found in herd, slaughtered, herd tested Under investigation