REVISION P2 a to d Higher
Give one advantage & one disadvantage of using nuclear fuel
What two types of energy can the human body detect that comes from the Sun?
How do photocells produce electricity?
Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of wind turbines
How do solar panels heat water
Explain how generators work (3)
Pushing the magnet into the coil produces a current. Name two ways that the current made could be increased
Explain how a power station works?
What is the national grid? How are transformers used in the transmission of electricity through it?
Which appliance would cost the most, explain your answer Fridge 2kW – on for 3 hours Heater 3kW – on for 1.5hours
Which fuel type produces methane gas?.
A3KW chip pan is on for 2 hours a week. If each unit of electricity costs 4p what is the total cost of using it?
Name the three types of nuclear radiation and say what material stops each one
Give an example of useful uses of alpha & gamma radiation?
What does ionising mean?
What is background radiation and give two examples of where it comes from