Findings from On-site Inspection (Rt 202/US Rt 23 BRIDGE) On Tuesday, June 14 Masato Matsumoto Executive Vice President NEXCO-West USA, Inc. Good morning, Everyone. My name is Masato Matsumoto, from the Japanese highway agency (NEXCO).
Expressways in Japan Service Length 8,286km Bridge Length 1,250km(15%) NEXCO group Total (a of March 2006) Service Length 8,286km Bridge Length 1,250km(15%) # of Bridges 13,400 East NEXCO Central NEXCO West NEXCO This is the map of Japan. There are three intercity expressway companies in Japan, East, Central and Wet NECXOs, and Metropolitan Expressway company, Hanshin Expressway Company, and Japan Bridge. The total length of expressways owned by NEXCO group are 8,286km, and about 15% of them are bridges. And # of Bridges is about 13,400. Metropolitan EXPWY Co. Japan Bridge Co. Hanshin EXPWY Co. 2 2
Deterioration of Concrete Structures in Japan 【Environmental factors】 - Chloride induced deterioration - Carbonation 【External forces (e.g. traffic load)】 - Fatigue for reinforced concrete deck slabs - Fatigue for steel bridges This slide shows some examples of deterioration mechanisms of concrete structures. Generally speaking, concrete structures deteriorate from Environmental factors and External forces. This is an example of a concrete bridge girder deteriorated by chloride induced deterioration. The other major factor of deterioration is carbonation. For external forces, we have fatigue for reinforced concrete deck slabs and also fatigue for steel bridges. 3 3
Deteriorated Bridges in Japan These are some examples for condition evaluation. This figure shows an example of structures suffered by chloride induced deterioration. According to the visual inspection result, this has been categorized somewhere between State II And State III. This on is an example of RC deck slab deteriorated by fatigue due to the wheel load. According to the visual inspection result, this has been categorized as State II. Chloride Induced Deterioration Fatigue of RC Deck Slab 4 4
Highway Inspection (NEXCO Toll Roads) Inspection Type Frequency Routine Inspection On-vehicle Inspection : 2 to 3 times per week Walking Inspection : at least twice a year Detail Inspection Every 5 years Note: Frequency Depends on Traffic Volume Contract Routine Inspection Maintenance Contractor (Group Company) Detail Inspection Engineering Company (Group Company) 5
Routine Inspection (on foot) Routine Inspection (from the vehicle) Routine Inspection (on foot) 6
Detail Inspection (Visual Inspection) 7
Definition of Bridge Condition NEXCO US (NBIS) Condition State Description AA Critical condition. Should be repaired as soon as possible. A A1 Poor condition. Should be repaired within 2 years. A2 Poor condition. Should be repaired within 5 years. A3 Poor condition. Repair work is not required within 5 years. Monitoring is required. B Fair Condition. Should be monitored. OK Good or Excellent Condition. Condition State Description Failed 1 Imminent Failure 2 Critical 3 Serious 4 Poor 5 Fair 6 Satisfactory 7 Good 8 Very good 9 Excellent Note: If the damage can cause hazards to traffic or third party, additional ‘E’ is attached to the condition states. 8
Typical Damage to be Detected Steel Bridges 1. Unusual Deformation 2. Unusual Sound 3. Unusual Vibration 4. Deterioration in Paint Systems 5. Corrosion of the Steel Members 6. Rivet or High Tension Bolts 7. Cracks in Steel Members 8. Deformation or Buckling due to Collision or Earthquake 9. Water Leakage 9
Typical Damage to be Detected Concrete Bridges 1. Unusual Deformation of Girders and Slabs 2. Unusual Sound 3. Unusual Vibration 4. Unusual Expansion Joint Movement 5. Unequal Displacement of Bearings 6. Rotation or Movement of Pier or Abutment 7. Cracking in Concrete 8. Water Leakage 9. Free Lime 10. Delamination or Spalling of Concrete 11. Rebar Exposure 12. Rust Exudation 13. Unusual Color due to Chemical Effect 14. Rebar Corrosion 15. Corrosion or Failure of PC Strand 10
Notes from Visual Inspection W:1.50m x L:0.10m Lower Flange Decline of Steel Bearing Displacement - B Decline of Steel Bearing Touching the Stopper 2 Loose Bolts for Steel Bearing Displacement – A3 11
Notes from Visual Inspection Bridge Name, Location, etc. Damage Description Date Weather Inspector etc. Area Damage Location Condition State Recommendation Counter Action Repaired Date 12
Notes from Visual Inspection 13
Recommendations (Crack in P1) Condition State 【A1】 W:1.20m x L:0.20m P1 Lateral Beam Rebar Exposure W:0.70m x L:0.20m P1 Lateral Beam Rebar Exposure ①-1 Condition State 【A1】 14 ②-1 ①-2
Recommendations (Bearings on P2) Condition State 【B】 Displacement - B Decline of Steel Bearing Decline of Steel Bearing, Touching Stopper ③-1 Condition State 【A3】 ④-1 15 ④-2
Recommendations (Bearings on P2) The movable bearing has the functionality of moving and rotation. There are stoppers near the movable bearing to restrict the movement. The above stoppers has been in the compressed status. Counteraction should be considered if the displacement is active. 16
Recommendations (Spalling over P2) 17
Recommendations (Spalling over P2) Condition State 【A1】 W:0.80m x L:0.20m Overhang Slab ⑤-1 Sound Concrete Spalled Area 18 ⑤-2 ⑤-3
Recommendations (Spalling over P2) Rebar corrosion at the end of the slab concrete, due to the water leakage from expansion joint. Waterproof of expansion joint is recommended. Anticorrosive countermeasures for rebar and replacement of the cover concrete should be scheduled. 19
Recommendations (Delamination) Condition State 【A2】 W:0.30m x L:0.20m ⑥-1 Condition State 【A1】 W:1.80m x L:0.30m 20 ⑦-1
Crack Detection by Image Processing Technology Rt 202/US Rt 23 BRIDGE 1pix=1mm 0.5mm crack can be identified. 100 millon pix 460 MB/TIF 25000 pix 4000 pix 21
・Recognize the crack by Photoshop CS4. ・The crack width can be identified using special" crack detection engine". ・Crack width is detected approximately based on the width corresponding to 1 pix in the photos. Width legend --: <0.5mm --: 0.5mm~0.7mm --: >0.7mm 22
0.2mm 1.4mm 1.6mm 800mm Image of the crack in Abutment A1; Photos taken from 22 meters away; The practical resolution can be expected to reach 0.1mm/pix. 23
Overhang Deck over Railway 25
Results of Infrared Technology Re-deterioration Repaired Area (Drain Hole) (Drain Hole) KEY WEST MIAMI P46 P47 This is an example from the concrete barrier. We can see repaired area here, and our damage classification system have found the re-delamination for repaired concrete. Gulf side Ocean side
Thank you for your attention