KS4 Science Information This PowerPoint can be downloaded from www.science-spark.co.uk/teachers
What qualifications will my child get at the end of year 11? Either AQA Science GCSEs Edexcel Level 2 BTEC in Applied Science OR A combination of both
What qualifications will my child get at the end of year 11? All students will receive at least 2 science qualifications Depending on their route; 1 of the following: Triple Science (about 60 students) (1 GCSE in Biology, 1 GCSE in Chemistry and 1 GCSE in Physics) Double Science (about 130 students) 2 Science GCSEs (Core and Additional) Applied Science BTEC AND a Science GCSE (about 40 students) 2 BTEC Level 2 qualifications (about 20 students)
Why is it so complicated? Good question… We will try to make sure that your child achieves the equivalent of 2 Science GCSEs at least. (At the best grade possible) Most students will just take 2 GCSEs! Some have already chosen to take 3 because they know they really like science and they think they want to follow a career where they think that 3 Science GCSEs may give them some advantage and so do triple Some students are better at coursework and so will do better in BTEC.
What course is my child doing?
When will students be assessed? Triple Science GCSE: 9 exams (all the core, additional and further content) in Y11 plus 3 practical exams Double Science GCSE: Additional: 3 exams in Y11 plus 1 practical exam (taken at end of year 10) Core: 3 exams in y10 plus 1 practical exam (students have already done this but will redo in March) Science GCSE: 3 exams in Y11 plus 1 practical exam (taken at end of year 10) Applied BTEC L2: exam worth 25% at end of y11 assignments of the year CORE BTEC L2: exam worth 25% at end of y10 10 assignments over the course CORE BTEC L2: exam worth 25% at end of y10 10 assignments over the course
What topics are covered in BTEC? Principles of Applied Science Application of Science Unit 1: Principles of Science * Unit 5: Application of Chemical Substances Unit 2: Chemistry and our Earth Unit 6: Application of Physical Science Unit 3: Energy and our Universe Unit 7: Health Applications of Life Science Unit 4: Biology and our Environment Unit 8: Scientific Skills * * Unit is externally assessed * Unit is externally assessed More details can be found from: http://www.edexcel.com/quals/firsts2012/applied-science/
How is BTEC assessed? BTEC in Y10 10 Assignments covering all the core Science topics (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) AND an exam on this science worth 25% What support do students get in lessons? Exemplar assignments Basic writing frames for a pass Catch up club Tuesday Evening 3-4pm What can I do to help? Assignments completed in class From Easter students will need to revise for exam
What topics are covered in the Core GCSE? Biology B1.1 Keeping healthy B1.2 Nerves and hormones B1.3 The use and abuse of drugs B1.4 Interdependence and adaptation B1.5 Energy and biomass in food chains B1.6 Waste materials from plants and animals B1.7 Genetic variation and its control B1.8 Evolution Chemistry C1.1 The fundamental ideas in chemistry C1.2 Limestone and building materials C1.3 Metals and their uses C1.4 Crude oil and fuels C1.5 Other useful substances from crude oil C1.6 Plant oils and their uses C1.7 Changes in the Earth and its atmosphere Physics P1.1 The transfer of energy by heating processes and the factors that affect the rate at which that energy is transferred P1.2 Energy and efficiency P1.3 The usefulness of electrical appliances P1.4 Methods we use to generate electricity P1.5 The use of waves for communication and to provide evidence that the universe is expanding More details can be found on: http://www.sciencelab.org.uk/
What topics are covered in the Additional GCSE? Biology B2.1 Cells and simple cell transport B2.2 Tissues, organs and organ systems B2.3 Photosynthesis B2.4 Organisms and their environment B2.5 Proteins – their functions and uses B2.6 Aerobic and anaerobic respiration B2.7 Cell division and inheritance B2.8 Speciation Chemistry C2.1 Structure and bonding C2.2 How structure influences the properties and uses of substances C2.3 Atomic structure, analysis and quantitative chemistry C2.4 Rates of reaction C2.5 Exothermic and endothermic reactions C2.6 Acids, bases and salts C2.7 Electrolysis Physics P2.1 Forces and their effects P2.2 The kinetic energy of objects speeding up or slowing down P2.3 Currents in electrical circuits P2.4 Using mains electricity safely and the power of electrical appliances P2.5 What happens when radioactive substances decay, and the uses and dangers of their emissions P2.6 Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion
What topics are covered in the Further GCSE? Biology B3.1 Movement of molecules in and out of cells B3.2 Transport systems in plants and animals B3.3 Homeostasis B3.4 Humans and their environment Chemistry C3.1 The periodic table C3.2 Water C3.3 Calculating and explaining energy changes C3.4 Further analysis and quantitative chemistry C3.5 The production of ammonia C3.6 Alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters Physics P3.1 Medical applications of physics P3.2 Using physics to make things work P3.3 Keeping things moving
How are GCSE students assessed? The exams are split into 3 different types of questions based around the Biology, Chemistry and Physics that they learn and students can expect about 30-40% of each type: AO1; Recalling the science: e.g. Labelling diagrams, testing definitions etc. The easiest thing to test. What support do students get in lessons? Quizzes in lessons. Using glossaries to find meanings. How can I help? Keyword quizzes, from revision guide notes, testing using flash cards. AO2; Applying skills, applying knowledge and applying understanding: e.g. Summarising information from articles. Using calculations. Interpreting graphs. What support do students get in lessons? Controlled assessments focus on these skills How can I help? Read science articles online or in a magazine, looking at tables and graphs and ask – what have you found out? Check calculations (using mark scheme in revision guide) Use www.science-spark.co.uk AO3; Analysing and evaluating evidence: e.g. balanced argument and “because” statement. Or “My opinion is …. Because …..” What support do students get in lessons? Practise exam questions. Back up conclusions with evidence and then making judgements about validity of evidence. How can I help? Read science articles online or in a magazine about new technology or innovations and ask – what do you think about that? Why? Are the writers biased?
Plan of Core and Additional Science GCSE exams Yr 9 & 10 Core GCSE B1 Exam taken end of year 10 25% C1 P1 2 practical ISA exams taken within 10 B1, C1, P1 plus an ISA = Core Science GCSE Y11 Additional Science B2 Exam taken end of year 11 C2 P2 practical ISA exam taken early on in year 11 B2, C2, P2 plus ISA = Additional Science GCSE
Plan of triple science GCSE exams Yr 9 Core Award (Science A) Biology 1 Exam 25% Chemistry 1 Exam 25% Physics 1 Practical Exam 25% B1, C1, P1 plus Practical = Core Science GCSE Yr10 Additional Award Biology 2 Chemistry 2 Physics 2 Practical Exam 25% B2, C2, P2 plus Practical = Additional Science GCSE Y11 Triple Award (Further) Biology 3 Chemistry 3 Physics 3 B3, C3, P3 plus Practical = Further Science GCSE B1, B2, B3 + practical = Biology GCSE C1, C2, C3 + practical = Chemistry GCSE P1, P2, P3 + practical = Physics GCSE
KS4 Science Information This PowerPoint can be downloaded from www.science-spark.co.uk/teachers