GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO São Francisco Project Operational Structure P2GEF São Francisco ACTIVITIES S1 S2 S3... Sn WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Govt agencies Communities External agents Schools Water Users UNEP OASANA
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Priority Issues in The San Francisco Basin Insufficient Water For The Multiple Uses Undisciplined Exploitation Of The Surface Water Separated From The Groundwater Water Use Conflicts Restrictions to Navigation Inadequate Soil Occupancy and Use Water Pollution From Point and Diffuse Sources Degradation of The Aquatic Eco-system and Loss Of Biodiversity Lack Of Institutional Integration And Cooperation
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO GEF Project Components I- River Basin and Coastal Zone Environmental Analysis II- Public and Stakeholder Participation III- Organizational Structure Development IV- Watershed Management Program Formulation a) Information Sharing and Dissemination b) Quantification of Water use and use Conflicts c) Financial Mechanisms d) Formulation of the WMP
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Basic Principles Of The GEF Projects Community Involvement: Bottom up formulation Continuity: Who will be responsible Sustainability: Assuring the necessary support Replicability: Multiplying the successful practices
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Spatial Distribution of Activities, by Components
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Causal Chain Analysis Primary Causes Problem Secundary Causes Terciary Causes Root Causes Critical Problems Cause STRAEGIC ACTIONS ADB WMP STRAEGIC ACTIONS
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Spatial Distribution of Activities, by Components
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - A Assesment of mining impacts on the water resources of the Upper São Francisco
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - B Partnership with communities to improve water resources quality
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - C Groundwater Monitoring
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - D Land-use mapping
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - E Assessment of contribution of river transport to agricultural progress
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - F Hydrodinamic and sediment study of the Lower San Francisco and adjacent coastal zone
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - G Monitoring water quality in the Lower- Middle San Francisco
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - H Restoration of the icthyofauna and determination of nutrient load in the water
GEF S ÃO F RANCISCO Best Practices - I Preserving springs and riparian forests