Walking through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? Hissssssssssss
Over there! A … … A snake. Is he following me?
Leaping through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? Roarrrrrrrrr
Over there! A … … A lion. Is he following me?
Stomping through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? trump trump
Over there! An … … An elephant. Is he following me?
Swinging through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? chitter chatter
Over there! A … … A monkey. Is he following me?
Wading through the jungle, What do you see? Can you hear a noise? What could it be? snap snap
Over there! A … … A crocodile. Is he following me?
Hope he isn’t hungry!
Now go to the following websites and listen to the sounds of animals Now go to the following websites and listen to the sounds of animals. Then finish the worksheet. Websites: Sound of the Animals http://www.hkedcity.net/iclub_files/a/1/45/webpage/animals_sound/sound.htm Sounds of the World’s Animals http://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ballc/animals/animals.html