„ „ CASPAN“ meeting Ostrava,Czech Republic
Teacher? Couch? Friend? Or …….
Project founded by EU Duration: Reaction on needs how to combine family + work Target group: mothers or fathers comming back to job long-term unemployed women
Balance diagnosti cs Retraining Course Basics of Business Career guidance
Counseling before starting a business Seminar: „Gender problems“ (Inequality between men and women in the Czech Republic )
Travel allowance Subsistence allowance Care allowance for children and other dependents
4 groups Balance diagnostics (41 people) 3 groups Course Basics of Business (26 people) Career guidance (4 people)
Cooperation with Parent Center Workshop and prezentation for parents Counseling The good oportunity for mentoring
bussiness plan "babysitting„ no business experience no idea about the financial costs and real problems
What you could get? Experiences, ideas, "real wiev" And then you can decide.... run own bussiness or not?
Pavla and Pavla