Forces and Breaking Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

Forces and Breaking Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Forces Driving forces push the car forward Resistive forces push the car backwards Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Forces Driving forces are provided by the engine in a car Resistive forces are provided by friction and breakes Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Forces If the driving force and the resistive forces are balanced, the cars velocity remains constant. If the driving force and the resistive forces are different, the car will either accelerate or decelerate. Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Braking There are 2 ways a driver can stop a car: – Taking there foot of the accelerator – Pressing the brake pedal Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Braking Taking your foot of the accelerator will reduce the driving force Pressing the brakes will add to the resistant forces Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Stopping distance A stopping distance is the sum of 2 amounts: – Thinking distance – Braking distance Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

Stopping distance Your stopping distance is effected by many factors: Thinking distanceBraking distance DistractionsWeather/Road conditions Drugs/alcoholCondition of car Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions

1)What is the resultant force on a car traveling at a constant velocity? 2)What factors effect your stopping distance 3)If a car takes 25m to stop from 30mph, what would the thinking distance of the driver have to be if they had to stop in a distance of 32m? Forces Breaking Stopping distance Questions