Absolutism Global I: Spiconardi
Absolutism Absolutism When a king or queen who has unlimited power/centralized control of the government and seeks to control all aspects of society Divine Right theory that rulers power comes directly from God and the ruler is only responsible to God
Queen Elizabeth (Reign 1558 – 1603) Daughter of Henry VIII Battle w/Parliament over finances; economy suffers under her reign Protestant Made strict rules against Catholics, but didn’t enforce them Never married/No heirs (“Virgin Queen”) Supported the arts; arts flourish under her reign (Shakespeare)
Philip II of Spain (Reign 1556 – 1598) Devout Catholic Drove Muslim Moors & Jews out of Spain Tortured, killed or exiled thousands of Protestants Attempted to aid a Catholic in regaining the throne of France
Philip II of Spain The Spanish Armada In attempt to re-Catholicize England, he attacked England with 130 ships & 19,000 soldiers. Spain loses in shocking defeat Wars and Inquisition cost Spain tons of money Left Spain bankrupt
Peter the Great of Russia (Reign 1682 – 1725) Westernize and Modernize Peter believed Russia was years behind the rest of Europe Invited European engineers, architects, artists, merchants, shipbuilders, and craftsmen to Russia in order to catch the country up to the rest of Europe Why was Russia behind the rest of Europe?
Peter the Great Reforms Changed Russian calendar to coincide with rest of Europe All noble children (ages 10-15) had to be taught geometry and mathematics Outlawed beards unless you paid a special tax Created poll tax to build up manufacturing Organized a Russian army and built a navy
Louis XIV of France (Reign 1643 – 1715) Known as the “Sun King” Never dressed himself Gave nobles the “privilege” and “honor” of dressing him Built Palace of Versailles Palace may have cost over US$2 billion
Louis XIV A portrait of Louis XIV depicting him as the god Apollo. Louis XIV revoked France’s policy of religious tolerance A Protestant sect, Huguenots, were intimated and many fled France Used the military to bully the Huguenots Despite this, Louis wanted to be referred to as, “His most Christian Majesty”
The Hall of Mirrors
Versailles Queen’s Bedroom
Versailles King’s Bedroom
Assessment What are some of the commonalities among many of the European absolute monarchs of the 17 th and 18 th century Europe? What are some of the commonalities among many of the European absolute monarchs of the 17 th and 18 th century Europe?
Absolutism Causes Decline of feudalism Kings consolidate fiefs Reformation & loss of Church’s authority Kings no longer have to answer to the Pope Growth of national kingdoms City-states and territories become countries