ESSENTIAL QUESTION Why were the Ottoman Sultans able to rule as all-powerful rulers? 2
INTRODUCTION The 1 st Ottoman were nomadic Turkish warriors for Islam, from Central Asia Fled from Central Asia to escape the Mongols Attacked the Byzantines Failed to capture Constantinople (Capital) Captured Adrianopolis (2 nd most important city) 1396 – 1 st Sultan (ruler) appointed 3
ELITE OTTOMAN ARMY Known as Janissaries Made up of young war captives & Christian slaves Were converted to Islam, then trained as soldiers Belonged to the Sultan, & served for life Gained power & influence, eventually became important political group 4
TIMUR CHALLENGES THE OTTOMANS Timur – Turko-Mongol leader Born in 1336, claimed he was a descendant of Genghis Khan Created an army, built power in Central Asia, & began a career of conquest 1402 – Defeats Ottoman Army in Battle of Ankara Captures Sultan, forced Ottomans to return territory they took from others 5
RECOVERY & EXPANSION Civil war broke out over who should be next Sultan Murad II took power & began to expand empire Defeated last European crusaders in Battle of Varna Followed by Mehmed II Conquered Constantinople (Byzantine Capital) in 1453 Renamed city Istanbul – Became Ottoman capital 6
SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT Greatest Ottoman Sultan Ruled from 1520 – 1566 Led Ottoman Empire to Golden Age Reunited Muslim world (except Persia & Afghanistan) by conquering North Africa 7
GOVERNMENT & SOCIETY Sultan Governed from Istanbul as all-powerful ruler Empire was well-organized & efficiently governed Assisted by Janissaries 2 nd in Command – Grand Viziers 9
GOVERNMENT & SOCIETY Society – 2 major groups Small ruling class Reaya – Larger group of ordinary people There was social mobility 10
GOVERNMENT & SOCIETY Millet System Reaya made up of different groups of people Muslim Turks, Christians, Jews, & Arabs Strong religious tension Religious freedom was allowed by Sultans Millet – Separate religious communities of Reaya Under control of Sultan, but governed themselves Each has its own laws, customs, courts, taxes, education, health system, & defense 11
THE SLOW DECLINE 1566 – Suleiman the Magnificent dies Marked beginning of the decline 1571 – Phillip II leads Spanish navy to defeat Ottomans Battle of Lepanto – Europeans defeat Ottomans near Greece 12
THE SLOW DECLINE 1600 – Government & Economy face problems Lost control of silk & spice trade New trade routes bypassed Ottoman Empire Power of Sultans weakened Government became corrupt due to internal power struggles Rebellions among the Janissaries Lost territory to Russia & France 1923 – Empire ends when Turkey establishes a republic 13