By: Leigh Lacy, Delia Reilly, Peter Civitella
Cheyenne and Sioux Tribes Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse White Prospectors American Seventh Calvary Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer
White prospectors ignored the 2 nd treaty of Laramie. White settlers rushed into the Black Hills where there was a surplus of gold.
Government offered to buy back the land. Tribal leader rejected the offer. Sioux warriors fled the reservation. They brought together Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse-two Sioux chiefs. These chiefs helped to push back the white prospectors.
American 7 th Calvary were sent to find the Sioux to bring them back to the reservation Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer forces met the Sioux and Cheyenne.
Defeat shocked the nation Government stepped up the military action following this event. Due to the government’s actions, it was the last Native American Victory
Crazy Horse Surrendered Sitting Bull and his followers fled to Canada
Garcia, Jesus, et al. Creating America; A History of the United States, 1877 to the 21st Century. Evanston, Illinois: McDougal Littell, Print.