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Presentation transcript:

Good afternoon!!! Pick up the notes from the front table SIT DOWN You will be presenting your PowerPoint slides today! Make sure you are ready and knowledgeable about your topic!!!!!

Ganges River is the most well-known of all the south Asian rivers. It flows more than 1,500 miles from its source in a Himalayan glacier to the Bay of Bengal. The Ganges River is very important for the livelihood of Indians, for drinking, farming and transportation. Ganges River is also important for the spiritual significance of the river, also known as the Gangamai which means ‘Mother Ganges’. Unfortunately for the people of India, and the Ganges River it is the most polluted rivers in the world by million of gallons of raw sewage and industrial waste flow into the river every day. Pilgrims also from all places to also drink and bathe in its waters, and also scattering the ashes of deceased family members into the river. Since 1986, the Indian government has tried to restore the health of the river, but according to the people of India (Hindu believers) the ganges is too holy to be harmed by pollution and they believe that ‘Mother Ganges’ will fix it.

POLLUTION IN THE GANGES RIVER India’s largest river. Religious importance to the Hindus. Provides 40% of India’s water. 6 th most polluted river in the world. Pollution affects 400 million people

It is a form of a social classes. Each person is born into it in this religion. It is a moral duty that must be for filled to reach Nirvana. They must do good deeds to reach Nirvana. The lowest class is the untouchables(janitors, streetsweapers, bums)

Hinduism/caste system About 80% of India's population is Hindu. Hindus believe in reincarnation the rebirth of a soul into a new host or body. They also believe that karma (how your actions effect you) contributes to what you are reincarnated into. The caste system was a system of separation by social class and personal standings There are 4 main types of caste Brahmans (priest and scholars) Kshatriyas ( warriors and rulers) Vaisyas (framers and merchants) and Sudras (artisans and labors) A person can change caste but only by reincarnation

 India has a very modern economy  Most Indians follow the customs of arranged marriages  Most Indians still work on farms or in small craft industries  More than 1,000 languages and dialects are spoken in India  A major religion in India is Hinduism

  Most Indians follow the custom of arranged marriages  Large families  Most eat a largely vegetarian diet based on rice, legumes, and flatbreads  They enjoy sports, music, and movies ( classical indian music, field hockey, cricket)  Most Indians still work on farms or in small craft industries  Most,middle class children attend school  The ability to read and write – has risen steadily since the 1950’s Life In Modern India

Siddhartha Gautama(Buddha) Founder of Buddhism. Born on the borders of Nepal and India in the 6 th century. No written records about Gautama have been found from his lifetime. Buddhism is a nontheistic religion that includes a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices was a spiritual leader and teacher

Siddhartha Gautama/Buddhism. Siddhartha Gautama, is also known as Buddha, or( enlightened one )..Buddha is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in world history.Buddhism is a nontheistic religion, meaning they worship no god..They study teachings from Buddha..6% or 300 million people in the world are Buddhist Lucas Adisson 4th Block

 Various geometric designs  Symbols of the universe  Aid in meditation  Used in Hinduism and Buddhism  Hand made sometimes Mandala

Geometric design that symbolizes the universe and aids in meditation. Buddhism is the official religion of Bhutan. The people practice a Tibetan style of Buddhism. Early communities in Bhutan were organized around a large fortress-monasteries. Small shrines scattered around the countryside are used to house sacred relics.

Raj/Colonization French, Dutch, and Portuguese traders set up trading colonies in India British won full control with Europe in 1757 Raj- the time period when British had full control (90 years) Britain left and granted India its freedom due to the nonviolence resistance protest movement Independence of India created division -Muslims or east and west Pakistan decided to separate from India Division caused violence between Hindu’s and Muslim's

Raj/ Colonization In the 1500’s Europeans came to India looking for resources. Soon they established trade relations with India’s rulers. Europeans tried colonizing India. British won. The period of time the British ruled was called the Raj.

 Most Indian people didn’t favor colonialism  Their leader planed non-violent resistance  The movement made the British look evil, while the Indians looked innocent  Eventually the British granted them freedom  India’s independence date is recorded as august 14, 1947

Mohandas Gandhi and nonviolent resistance Gandhi started the nonviolent campaign in 1920 against Britain Nonviolent resistance is a protest movement that does not use violence to achieve its goal. Gandhi protested against Britain to grant India freedom from there rule. Britain eventually gave in and on August 14, 1947, India became independent Gandhi’s belief in nonviolence was a spiritual virtue

Mohandas Gandhi In 1920 Mohandas Gandhi started a nonviolent resistance campaign against Britain. Nonviolent resistance is a protest movement that does not use violence to achieve its goals. Gandhi had lead India to independence and inspired people and movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Great Britain was known for conquering India and killing many of their people. After that they led three great popular movements that eventually wore down the British government and led to Indian independence. In the process of the movement. People today recognizing the nonviolence movement.

The Partition/Creation of India  The Partition of India was the partition of the British Indian Empire that led to the creation of Pakistan.  Partition led to much violence between Hindus and Muslims; about one million people died in the conflict.  Another 10 million fled across national boarders, Muslims in India moved to Pakistan, while Hindus in in Pakistan crossed into India.  The people of East Pakistan began to call for their own state, but the government in West Pakistan opposed such a move.  In result, civil war broke out, but with help from India, East Pakistan won its independence as Bangladesh.

partition/creation of Pakistan Two new countries were created Muslims in India moved to Pakistan West Pakistan and east Pakistan shared a religious bond Neither Pakistan and Bangladesh is highly Industrialized The people of east Pakistan began to call for there own state

India the world’s largest democracy with population more than 1 billion India’s first prime minister: Jawaharlal Nehur Many ethnic, cultural, and religious factors influence Indian politics, such as “ relations between Hindu and Muslims.” India is strongly Hindu, but it’s Muslim minority numbers around 150 million people. India manages to resolve most political conflicts peacefully. World’s largest Democracy/Religion

 India is a federation of states held together by a strong central government.  It is a parliamentary democracy.  Religion has a major impact on India's government.  India is strongly Hindu, but there are also 150 million Muslim people that live there.  India manages to revolve most of its political conflicts peacefully. Religion and The Worlds Largest Democracy Emily Downey

 Conditions caused by the weather patterns in South Asia have also caused political disputes.  To bring water to the city of Kolkata, India constructed the Farakka dam across the Ganges at a point just before it enters Bangladesh.  Because India and Bangladesh share the Ganges, the dam left little water for drinking and irrigation in southern Bangladesh.  Many Bangladesh farmers lost farmland, and some illegally fled to India.  The two countries finally settled the dispute in 1997, when they signed a treaty giving each country specific water rights to the Ganges.

 Because the Ganges flows through India and Bangladesh, southern Bangladesh has very little irrigation water.  Bangladesh farmers have lost land and illegally fled to India.  The two countries signed a treaty in 1997 to dispute water rights to each other.  The Farakka Dam holds water for Kolkata, India but reduces water that flows into Bangladesh.  India and Bangladesh have settle most of their problems, but there is still some tension.

Land Reform/Green Revolution More than 2 thirds of India's population depends on farming, but farms are small and crop yields are low. A solution for this that is being considered is called land reform. (making land distribution equal) This has happened in the past, but scientists used different techniques to get a higher crop yield. That is now called the green revolution. But now many farmer do not have the money to take advantage of those techniques.

Outsourcing- Globalization The practice of bringing someone from an external organization, and using their work for your business Used all over the world Spreads idea’s leading to globalization Pro’s Lower labor costs, and lower investment risk Con’s Difficult to keep private You risk losing your product Justis Brady

South Asia Overpopulation At roughly 1.2 billion inhabitants, South Asia is already six times brazils current 200 million. More than a quarter of the worlds supply of new workers in the next decade will come from India. Most of the new comers to big cities are migrants unable to sustain a living in the vast countryside. India adds an estimated 700,000 in habitants every year. India is seeing a small population decline with healthy economic growth and has a competitive by having an overwhelmingly young population.

CASTE SYSTEM DISCRIMINATION 1/6 of Indians, about 160 million, are considered “Untouchables” Untouchables are reincarnated people who have done bad in their previous lifetime(s). Untouchables are not considered “worthy beings” in the Caste System. They are forced to live separate lives from other castes, in poverty, otherwise being robbed and beaten in many cases Although the discrimination is illegal, it continues daily in India.