Round —What was to be eaten until the 21 st day of the month at evening? #1 A. Unleavened bread B. Manna C. Lamb, roasted with fire with bitter herbs
Round – How old was Moses when he spoke to Pharaoh? #2 A. 87 B. 83 C. 80
Round – What must be paid to the master of a male or female servant gored by an ox? #3 A. For the loss of their time B. For them to be thoroughly healed C. 30 shekels of silver
Round – Who died? #4 A. Joseph, his brothers, and all that generation B. Miriam and Zipporah C. Shiphrah and Puah
Round – Where did Moses dwell after he fled from the face of Pharaoh? #5 A. Midian B. Canaan C. Philistia
Round – What became leprous like snow? #6 A. Moses’ hand B. Moses’ arm C. Moses became leprous like snow.
Round – Which plague were the magicians unable to do? #7 A. Water into blood B. Frogs C. Lice
Round – Who also went up with Moses? #8 A. Jethro and Zipporah B. Gershom and Eliezer C. Aaron, Nadab, Abihu & 70 elders of Israel
Round – Why were the wheat and spelt not struck by the hail? #9 A. God saved the wheat and spelt B. They had been harvested already C. They were late crops
Round – Where was there no hail? #10 A. Elim B. The land of Goshen C. Etham
Round – What brought the locusts? #11 A. The drought in the west B. The wrath of God C. The east wind
Round – Following the darkness, what did Pharaoh want kept back? #12 A. The little ones B. The women C. Their flocks and herds
Round —From whom were they to ask articles of silver and articles of gold? #13 A. The house of Pharaoh B. The magicians C. Their neighbors
Round – How did God lead the people out of Egypt? #14 A. Through the land of the Philistines B. By way of the wilderness of the Red Sea C. Across the desert
Round – How many choice chariots did Pharaoh make ready? #15 A. 600 B. 60 C. 6000
Round The children of Israel asked Moses if there were none of these in Egypt. #16 A. Graves B. Pots of meat C. Bread to the full
Round The depths have covered them; They sank to the bottom like _____ #17 A. Lead B. A stone C. An anchor
Round How long did the children of Israel eat manna? #18 A. From the 14 th until the 21 st day of the month B. 40 years C. From the 10 th until the 14 th day of the month
Round – Who did Moses tell to choose men to fight with Amalek? #19 A. Aaron and Miriam B. Nadab and Abihu C. Joshua
Round – What was completely in smoke? #20 A. The burnt offerings B. Mount Sinai C. The thorns where the fire was kindled
Round – On what day was the firstborn oxen or sheep to be given to the LORD? #21 A. The 40 th day B. The 8 th day C. The 10 th day
Round What was sent before them to keep them in the way and to bring them into the place prepared? #22 A. Hornets B. The Fear of the LORD C. An Angel
Round What was sent before them to cause confusion and to make their enemies turn their backs to them? #23 A. Hornets B. The Fear of Him C. Flies
Round What did Moses build early in the morning at the foot of the mountain? #24 A. An altar and 12 pillars B. An altar of earth C. An altar called The-LORD-IS-My- Banner
Round Who was called Moses’ assistant? #25 A. Joshua B. Bill Watkins C. Tim Frizzell