France Becomes a Republic
Road to War Aristocrats and 2/3 of the army officer corps fled to Austria They wanted a counter-revolution April 20, 1792 the Legislative Assembly declares war. War leads to anarchy, inflation and paranoia
The Revolution Radicalizes In August a mob threatens Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette The Swiss guard fire on the crowd and 600 are massacred when they surrender. The king is suspended. In September mobs murder about 1,200 Parisian prisoners
The Birth of the Republic The Legislative Assembly is forced to call for election of the Convention by universal suffrage. The Convention drafts a new constitution and makes France a republic.
Sans-culottes Radical militants of Paris Shop-keepers, artisans, wage-workers and factory workers They wanted price controls on food, social equality and repression of counterrevolutionaries.
Jacobins The Jacobins were the best organized political club in Paris Favored representative government and an unregulated economy Divided between Girondins and the Mountain
Jacobin Factions Girondins Resented Parisian dominance More moderate Wanted a trial for Louis XVI The Mountain Supported sans-culottes More radical Just wanted Louis XVI executed