En desordre (messy)
En ordre (Neat)
8:00 Le reveil (alarm clock) ZUT, JAI FAIS LA GRASSE MATINEE. (TO SLEEP LATE)
Prendre une douche chaude To take a hot shower Prendre une douche froide To take a cold shower
Faire sa toilette (to wash and get ready)
Sonner (to ring)
Sonner (to ring)
Sonner (to ring)
La circulation (traffic) Les heures de pointe (rush hour)
Tomber de sommeil (to be dead tired) Avoir sommeil (to be sleepy)
Se coucher (to go to bed)
Ss’endormir (to go to sleep) 12:01
$$$$ Faire de beaux reves (to have nice dreams)
$$$$ !
Faire des cauchemars (to have nightmares)
8:30 Passer une nuit blanche (to stay awake all night)
Etre de bonne humeur (to be in a good mood) Etre de mauvais humeur (To be in a bad mood)
Se deplacer, aller en auto-bus (to get around,to go by bus)
Se deplacer, aller en car (to get around,to go by car)
Se deplacer, aller a bicyclette (to get around,to go by bicycle)
Se deplacer, aller a pied (to get around,to go on foot)