Family… Name : Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu Date of birth : 27th Aug 1910 Place : Skopje, Yugoslavia Father’ Name : Nikolle Bojaxhiu Mother’s Name : Drana Brother’s Name : Lazar Sister’s Name : Aga With Brother & Sister
basics do what? festivals churches action bible history Something beautiful for God: The life of Mother Teresa How Agnes Bojaxhiu became Sister Teresa When Agnes was 12 years old she believed that she heard God calling her to become a nun. She talked to her mother and the local priest about this important decision. Becoming a nun is not easy; it involves giving up many things to devote your life to serving God. Catholic women take three solemn vows (promises) when they become nuns: They believe Christ to be their husband, so they promise never to marry and have children. They take a vow of poverty, which means they live very simply with few possessions. The third vow is obedience, where they promise to obey the rules of their religious community without question. With Sister Aga.. Next Go back to 'History'
At school…
Sister Teresa… 1928, at 18, Agnes traveled to Loreto Abbey in Ireland to learn English and begin her life as a Loreto nun. - When she was 21, Agnes took her first vow(promise) - Changed her name to "Teresa" after St. Teresa of Avila, patroness of the Missionaries - Now she was called - Sister Teresa
Sister Teresa… Something beautiful for God: The life of Mother Teresa basics do what? festivals churches action bible history Something beautiful for God: The life of Mother Teresa How Agnes Bojaxhiu became Sister Teresa When Agnes was 12 years old she believed that she heard God calling her to become a nun. She talked to her mother and the local priest about this important decision. Becoming a nun is not easy; it involves giving up many things to devote your life to serving God. Catholic women take three solemn vows (promises) when they become nuns: They believe Christ to be their husband, so they promise never to marry and have children. They take a vow of poverty, which means they live very simply with few possessions. The third vow is obedience, where they promise to obey the rules of their religious community without question. Sister Teresa… Next Go back to 'History'
1928 :. She came to India to teach Geography and History at St 1928 :. She came to India to teach Geography and History at St. Mary's, a Loreto school, in Calcutta, West Bengal. 1937 : She became the head teacher and took her final vows(promises) as a Loreto nun. The Teacher….
'Day of Inspiration’ …. basics do what? festivals churches action bible history - On 10th Sep 1946, Teresa was quietly praying on a train traveling from Calcutta to Darjeeling then God spoke to her. - Sister Teresa returned to the convent in Calcutta and requested for leave to work in the slums, but her request was refused. - After two years she was given special permission from the Loreto Order to work in the slums. - Sister Teresa finally left the Loreto convent on August 16th 1948. 'Day of Inspiration’ …. Next Go back to 'History'
Sister Teresa to Mother Teresa. 1950 : On 7th Oct she started the Missionaries of charity. As the leader, Sister Teresa became Mother Teresa
Daily working routine * Wake up at 0430 hrs. * Two hours prayer with all sisters. * Light Breakfast. * Walk out to work in the slums, dressed with blue bordered white sari and a bag on the shoulder. * Devoted time management : - teach the children, - work with the sick, the dying or those suffering from leprosy. - collect, prepare and give out food. - raise the funds for the needy people.
Services…. 1948 : She dedicated the majority of her life in helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters.“ She received medical training and education in Paris. She started a dispensary, handing out bandages, medicines and food, donated by people
Services…. 1948 : On 21st Dec Started a own school under trees. 1949 : Mr Michel Gomashen donated a house and given full support. Some complaints lodged against her.
Services…. 1952 : Nirmal Hruday - House for the dying people. Opened Shishu Bhavan – Children’s home. 1963 : Started Brother’s Wing : 1969 : Opened Shanti Nagar – City of peace Opened Prem Nivas - A leprosy village. 1971 : Nirmal Canady home near Dumdum airport, Calcutta for refuges/victims of Pakistan – Bangladesh war.
Something Beautiful for God 1969 : British journalist, Malcolm Muggeridge, made a film 'Something Beautiful for God' about Mother Teresa and her work.. The film made Mother Teresa famous all over the world. Donations poured in to help her work.
Her Achievements… 119 leprosy centers established. 1,50,000 leprosy people are treated. Today Missionaries of Charity and their co-workers run more than 450 centers in over 100 countries to help the poor
Interaction… With Diana, Princess of Wales,
Interaction… With Pope Paul VI
1971 : Pope John XXIII Peace Prize awarded by Pope Paul VI Recognization 1971 : Pope John XXIII Peace Prize awarded by Pope Paul VI
Recognization 1979 : That devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize.
Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech : "I choose the poverty of our poor people. But I am grateful to receive (the Nobel) in the name of the hungry, the naked, the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared-for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone."
Recognization Special Award for Excellence from the Indo-American Society at the headquarters of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta Sunday, March 16, 1997.
1983 : She suffered a heart attack during a visit with Pope John Paul II.
1989 : She suffered another, and more serious, heart attack and then a pacemaker was installed
1997 : On 13th Sep, slept in peace.
Last Journey… Canada's Prime Minister Jean Chretien's wife, Aline Chretien,
Last Journey… India's Sonia Gandhi,
Last Journey… Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity pray during the funeral mass for Mother Teresa, the founder of their order, in the Netagi Indoor Stadium in Calcutta, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1997.
Her Literature… Prayer for peace Lord, make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred…let me sow love. Where there is injury…pardon. Where there is doubt…faith. Where there is despair…hope. Where there is darkness…light. Where there is sadness…joy. O Divine master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled…as to console, To be understood…as to understood To be loved…as to love, For It is in giving…that we receive, It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned, It is in dying..that we are born to eternal life.
Her Literature… MESSAGE OF LOVE... The poor are great people The poor do not need our sympathy and our pity. The poor need our love and compassion. They give us much more than we give them. During a terrible time when millions of refugees fled to India, we asked for help and many volunteers came and spent some months with us, just loving, serving, giving tender love and care to our people. On their departure, they said they had received much more than they had given. In Calcutta, some time ago, we went out at night and picked up four or five people from the street and took them to our Home for the Dying. One of them was in a very bad condition and I wanted to take care of her myself. I did for her all that my love could do. When I put her into bed, she took hold of my hand and there was such a wonderful smile on her face. She said one word: "Thank you" and she died. She gave me much more than I had given her. She gave me her grateful heart and I thought: what would I have done in her place? My answer was: I would have tried to draw some attention to myself, I would have said: I am hungry or I am cold or I am dying. But she, she was so great, she was so beautiful in her giving. The poor are great people.
Her Literature… Quotes : “ Nakedness is not only for a piece of clothing; nakedness is lack of human dignity, and also that beautiful virtue of purity, and lack of that respect for each other.” “ I realized that I had the call to take care of the sick and the dying, the hungry, the naked, the homeless - to be God's Love in action to the poorest of the poor. That was the beginning of Missionaries of Charity.”