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About the Loric Chest Home The Loric Chest is a chest that’s given to each Loric Garde(a Loric with powers) to be used by their Cêpan(a Loric who is assigned to protect a Garde) to help them develop their powers, or legacies. These chest contain the Garde’s inheritance too. They can only be opened by a Garde and their Cêpan together after the Garde had developed their first legacy. If the Garde’s Cêpan dies the Garde can open their chest alone, and if the Garde dies the chest opens, and its contents disintegrate. Each chest contains a flat, black healing stone, a yellow stone that lets a Garde temporarily share their powers called a Xitharis, Loralite which is a piece of Lorien’s core, either glass orbs or a red stone which allow Garde to communicate, a Lorien Crystal that helps Garde gain control of their powers, Loric salt that slows the effect of weapons, Substance which are cubes that when are placed in your mouth give you food or water depending on if you get a food or water cube, and various weapons and tools.
Characters Home HenriSam Goode Four (John Smith) SixSarah HartBernie Kosar Click on a character for more information about them
Number Four(John Smith) HomeCharacters Number Four is a descendant of Lorien, an alien planet. He and eight other Loric Garde(Loriens with powers) fled with eight other Cêpan(a Loric who is assigned to protect a Garde) to earth. They had to leave their planet due to an attack by another alien species called Mogodorians who killed every Loric except those eighteen. Before they left a Loric elder Cast a protective charm on them so they could only be killed in order until two meet. Numbers one, two, and three are dead, he is next. The Mogodorians fallowed them to earth so Four has been on the run his entire life. All he wants is to settle down in one place and he was recently uprooted again. This time Four moved to Paradise, Ohio with the name John Smith. John finally found a girl he likes, Sarah Hart, and a best friend, Sam. Will John keep moving to keep him and his Cêpan Henri safe, hiding his powers of Lumen(the ability to light up his hands and be fireproof), the ability to talk to animals, and telekinesis? Or will he stay in desperation for a normal life?
Henri HomeCharacters Henri is Four’s Cêpan(protector). He came with Four from the planet Lorien to protect him form aliens called Mogodorians and to help him develop his powers. Henri may not be related to Four but since Four’s dad died Henri has become a father figure for Four. Henri has helped Four not only physically, but has gotten him through many tough times emotionally too. Henri has been the only thing that’s kept Four alive. He has been in control of constantly moving so they're untraceable. One more thing Henri’s great with is computers and forging documents. With every new move comes new identities, new license plates, and new lives. Without Henri Four would be extremely easy to hunt and kill.
Six HomeCharacters Number Six is a descendant of Lorien, an alien planet. Her and eight other Loric Garde(Loriens with powers) fled with eight other Cêpan(a Loric who is assigned to protect a Garde) to earth. They had to leave their planet due to an attack by another alien species called Mogodorians who killed every Loric except those eighteen. Six’s legacies(powers) include the ability to control the weather, invisibility, and telekinesis. Six appears in the end of the book telling Four she can help him survive the inevitable Mogadorian attack. Six’s Cêpan was killed and she’s all alone against the enemy. Six is trying to win the war by uniting the Garde for a combined strength greater than the power of the Mogodorians. Six it trained and ready to go, but can she find Four before the Mogodorians do?
Sarah Hart HomeCharacters Four is used to a life full of running, hiding, and changing lives with every possible sign of danger. He knows he can’t get attached to anything or anyone, or it’ll just make things harder. That is until he moved to Paradise, Ohio. There he felt strangely at home, but not because of his ratty home or the bullies at school. This was because he met Sarah. Sarah seemed normal, but special and gave him a sense of being a real teenager. Ever since meeting Sarah the though of moving away had become devastating. However threats are on the horizon. There have been signs that the evil aliens have been closing in on their location. Henri realizes they need to move, but Four is extremely conflicted. He know staying could mean death for him or Henri, but he can’t bear the thought of leaving Sarah.
Sam Goode HomeCharacters Sam Goode is not your average nerd. Sure he’s interested in space and astrophysics, gets bullied, and believes in aliens. However he has a good reason to believe in extraterrestrials, after all his dad was abducted by them. One day Sam’s dad disappeared leaving no trace but his new truck. Sam’s life has been devoted to space ever since. When Four moves to Paradise, Ohio and switches schools he immediately notices how Sam gets bullied. They quickly bond over being misfits and become best friends. Everything’s going fine until Henri and Sam were exchanging useless conspiracies about aliens when Sam asks, “Did you know there’s a race of aliens called Mogodorians that plan to take over earth?” Four now must figure out where he got this information and if Sam’s to be trusted.
Bernie Kosar HomeCharacters On the first day of school Four had enough surprises, however before he got in the building a small beagle rushed up to him and started nudging his legs. John brushed him off, but he reappeared later at Four’s house. Henri allowed Four to keep him and he was named Bernie Kosar after a famous football player from Ohio. Bernie is Four’s faithful companion, but something’s off about him. He can keep up with Four’s sixty mph run with no problem. Who is Bernie Kosar, and what makes him so special?
About the Author Home Pitticus Lore is Lorien’s ruling Elder. He had been on Earth preparing for the war that will decide the Earth’s fate. His whereabouts are unknown.
About the Book Home Eleven years ago the planet Lorien was attacked. Aliens from the planet Mogador invaded Lorien armed with weapons, armies, and terrifying beasts. The Lorien fought tooth and nail but only eighteen survived, nine small children with special powers, and nine protectors. Before they left a protective enchantment was placed on them so they could only be killed in order according to their numbers until at least two of them were reunited again. The Loric were sent to earth to start new lives in hiding, they were Lorien’s last chance for survival, they were Lorien’s last hope. However it was only a matter of time before the Mogodorians caught up. Four years later the Loric sign for one was seared into the ankles of the other children, number one was dead. Three years later, another scar. Three years after there was another scar. The children were desperate for survival and needed to come together to win The war. The children must develop their powers and train to become something to be feared, not hunted.
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Lorien Legacy Books Home I am Number Four the Power of Six the Rise of Nine the Fall of Five