Sudan is the largest country in Africa Darfur is a western province of Sudan Darfur alone is the size of France. The Darfur region is undergoing a civil war This means groups within the country are fighting each other
Background Darfur's population is mostly black African But the region is controlled by the Arabic minority group. There are long-running tensions between Black and Arabic farmers who compete for land
Government was accused of discriminating against black Africans and neglecting Darfur In 2003, rebel groups backing the black Africans began attacking government targets. The government launched a military and police campaign in Darfur.
Stories of government aircraft bombing villages, after which the Arab Janjaweed militia would ride in on camels and horses to slaughter, rape and steal. Seen as a deliberate attempt to drive black Africans out of Darfur. The government admits mobilising "self-defence militias“ (bands of civilian fighters), but denies links to the Janjaweed and says the problems have been exaggerated.
More than 2 million people fled their homes. Many are now living in camps across Darfur. About 200,000 refugees have crossed the border into Chad. Those living in camps now depend on food aid from international donors. Continuing violence is making it difficult, or impossible, for them to provide the displaced people with the help they need.
African Union (AU) – a group of African states – brought about a peace deal in 2006 The Sudanese government backed the deal, but only one rebel faction signed up. The government agreed to disarm the Janjaweed, but there is little to suggest that this has happened. All this means that violence has actually increased since the peace deal was signed.
Aid agencies expelled In March 2009 the Sudanese government expelled 13 aid agencies who were providing help to refugees They were accused of exaggerating the situation, and were kicked out