Abdirashid Duale Dahabshiil Group Chief Executive Officer Entrepreneurship The Dahabshiil Experience
Dahabshiil Somalis play a role in innovation and technologically advancement. Dahabshiil and others are leading some of this, especially in the field of remittances, telecommunications and other ICT. Corporate Social Responsibility is central.
The Dahabshiil story When civil war broke out in 1988 my family (including myself) fled to Ethiopia and restarted the business from scratch. The first years were difficult: different country, change of customer-base (mainly refugees), stiff competition and civil war – we had to innovate. Initially delivered cash by hand, relying on word-of- mouth and VHF radios. Delivered messages either as letters or tape cassettes, so we were involved in communication right from the start.
Dahabshiil’s growth Dahabshiil has thousands of locations in the Horn of Africa and is one of the biggest private sector employers in the region. Global presence: 126 countries serving many communities. International remittances - person to person, business to business and international payments for UN agencies and NGOs. Own a bank – Dahabshiil Bank International, Djibouti, Hargeisa, Bossasso and Mogadishu. Own Somtel – mobile telecoms firm (with international partners).
Services offered Continuous improvement of remittance services for customers – lifeline for Somalis. New products and services; banking, micro-finance, commercial payments, salary payment. Use of online systems and mobiles for fast money transfers: Instant global payment service Free text messaging to customers Web-based transaction tracking facility Dahabcard – the online loyalty card E-Banking, card-based transfers, debit card ‘E-Cash’
Opportunities for all Potential in other areas e.g. education, primary health care, tourism, fisheries, use of natural resources – reduce imports. Contribute to development and economic growth. Lots of opportunities for all of us to work together.
Some of the Challenges International community needs to support private sector in same way as it supports NGOs. In Somaliland interconnections between telecoms companies remains a challenge, among others. Problem for consumers as need many SIM cards.
Summary Somali case shows how technology and innovation can help people and bring them together. Dahabshiil fosters innovation directly and indirectly. Entrepreneurship is in the Somali DNA so it needs to be encouraged by all, including the UK government, both at home and in the diaspora.