A Study of Islam The Kaaba and the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca
Life of Muhammad Born in 570AD, in Mecca The Angel Gabriel sent him messages from Allah = Qur’an. No polytheism Eventually fled to Medina Was illiterate
Three important cities to Islam Mecca Medina Jerusalem
What do Muslims Believe? 6 – core beliefs 1.God (Allah) 2.Angels 3.Prophets 4.Muhammad is the last prophet 5.Predestination 6.Day of judgment
What do Muslims believe? 5 – pillars of faith 1.The creed: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His prophet” 2.Prayer (5x/day facing Mecca) 3.Ramadan (one month of fasting every 13 months) 4.Almsgiving 5.Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once/lifetime 6.Jihad or Holy War