By Vanessa Fischer
Several weeks before Muhammad is born his dad dies Muhammad is born
Muhammad’s mother dies 578-grandfather dies 578-is taken in by his uncle
accompanies his uncle on a caravan trip to Bostra in Syria
Muhammad gets married
the arch angel Gabriel visits Mahammad
Climbed Mount Safa and publicly declared his prophet hood and invited everyone to join Islam 617-The Meccans force the Muslims to live in the “Valley of Abu Talib”
Muhammad’s wife Khadija dies A hostile group of children attack Muhammad with stones Muhammad marries Sawdah 622-Muhammad fled to Mecca and went to Yathrib 622- Meccan leaders plot to kill Muhammad 623-Meccans challenged a Muslim caravan carrying the possessions of Muhammad and his followers
A battle was fought near the mountain of Uhud, but the Muslims lost and Muhammad was wounded 626-Married Umm Salamah 627- The Meccans attacked Medina but lost; Muhammad gained control of Mecca and its neighboring tribes “The battle of the Trench” 628- married Umm Habibah
Muhammad made a pilgrimage to Mecca Muhammad advances his army on Mecca where the Meccans surrendered with out an fight
Muhammad makes a farewell pilgrimage to the Ka’bah Muhammad dies