BRISTOL Author: Ivan Blinov, class 10 Teacher: Irina Nikishina Pleskovo Boarding School, 2008
The City of Bristol, Capital of the West Country, has been described as a living textbook of England’s History. The city itself is a real sightseeing pearl for those who look for new impressions, some hidden historic facts and, of course – adventures… The United Kingdom of Great Britain is full of amazing sights. Towers and palaces, museums and galleries, parks and squares. Everything is worth seeing and gets you unforgettable, vivid recollections.
Bristol The pirate harbour…
Bristol is a seaport city in South West England, the UK With a population of it’s the England’s 6th town Bristol is one of the most popular British towns......and the major seaport
The town of Brycgstow ("the place at the bridge") was in existence by the beginning of the 11th century, and under Norman rule acquired one of the strongest castles in southern England During this period Bristol also became a centre of shipbuilding and manufacturing. Bristol was the starting point for many important voyages, e.g. John Cabot’s 1497 voyage of exploration to North America.
The famous Clifton Susspension Bridge The international Balloon FiestaBristol carsBristol nigts
You know that Bristol is the major seaport and the centre of culture......but that’s not all......and now you will be much surprised... BECAUSE BRISTOL IS The city of pirates
Ooh arrr! Let us hoist the Jolly Rodger and go back to a time when pirates and privateers roamed the docks of Bristol The port of Bristol was a central part of the slavery and tobacco trade making the area around the harbor and the shipping routes to Bristol were very attractive to pirates British pirates and privateers were keeping trade routes in awe. Ships under the flag of Jolly Rodger appeared suddenly, layed your ship wasted and disappeared traceless…
Edward Teach [Blackbeard] Lived: Job: the famous English pirate Area: the Caribbean Sea, western Atlantic Age: 18 th century, the Golden Age of Piracy Tools: the Queen Ann’s Revenge Blackbeard’s Jolly Rodger Except all this cruel and brave man is known as a author of the legendary pirate song: "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest—...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest—...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"
Edward Teach became the prototype of pirate J. Flint in the famous novel “Treasure Island” written by J. L. Stevenson And Billi Bons was a real man. He sailed as a navigator on the Blackbeard’s “Queen Ann’s Revenge”
So, Bristol is: The happiest place to live in England! - You Gov Poll Britain's Funniest City - Reader's Digest Survey Britain's Most Honest City - Survey April 2007 A European Centre of Culture One of the UK's top party cities One of six UK Science Cities The top digital city in the region A fairtrade City …and… Welcome… The most friendly pirate town!!!
In the pretty Bristol town Lot’s of pirates can be found They’re brave and honour men Drinking rum and sail again (based on The Beatles, The Yellow Submarine) We all sail under Jolly Roger Flag, Jolly Roger Flag, Jolly Roger Flag Run away when you see the Jolly Flag, Jolly Roger Flag, Jolly Roger Flag
You can join us crazy young To become such brave and strong Our life is full of fun Steal the golds and run, run, run! (based on The Beatles, The Yellow Submarine) We all sail under Jolly Roger Flag, Jolly Roger Flag, Jolly Roger Flag Run away when you see the Jolly Flag, Jolly Roger Flag, Jolly Roger Flag
Information sources: Dictionary of Great Britain, Москва, Русский язык, A Glimpse of English Speaking Countries, Москва, Наука, 1969