Creating Organizers for the Hindu Samaj
In the next 5 years, I will….. Develop contact with 25 new families/youth Make my shakha a prabhaavi shakha Develop 10 new karyakartas Give more time: Regularly, as well as go as a vistaarak. Inspire 5 karyakartas to spend some time as vistaarak Improve and Innovate
PRABHAVI (Effective) shakha Shakha Team Fun-filled & Inspiring Atmosphere: Vyayam, Anushasan, Utsah, Samskar 5 new karyakartas in SSV every year One new shakha in 3-5 years Leadership in Community Participating in one community program Bringing community in one Sangh program Program in community reflects discipline and Hindu Values Families reflect Sangh samskar
Sangh Shakha Sangh means Shakha, Shakha means Karyakram, Karyakram means karyakarta development. Sangh Shakha is not only a place for playing games or doing parade, but it’s an unspoken surety for the safety of good people, it’s a place to keep youth away from ill habits, it’s a hope for prompt and unbiased help to the society in the event of unexpected problems, it’s a surety for safety and good behavior towards women, it’s a force to put a check on bad people and traitors, and above all it is an university for training capable 'karyakarta' for various fields of social life. P.P. Bala Saheb Deoras
Organize : 5 Focus areas 1. Dhyeya Nishtha 2. Strategy for… 1. New Recruitment 2. Karyakarta Development 3. Improvement/Innovation 3. Kartrutva/Performance 4. Harnessing Human Relations 5. Self Improvement
Vision Vishwa Dharma Prakashena Vishwa Shanti Pravartake Mission Hindu Sangathan Organization of the society vs. Organization in the society Methodology- Sangh shakha- Regular coming together selflessly Family Model for the entire organization Social transformation through individual transformation Bifocal Vision Utmost purity of character – personal and social
Progressive evolution Vyakti nishtha (dedication to individual) Sangh Nishtha (dedication to organization) Dhyeya Nishtha (Dedication to the cause)
List 1-3 people that you know whose life mission is the Sangh mission, and who completely identify with the Sangh vision and mission What is the difference in their lifestyle? How do they set their priorities?
What are my values? What is my mission?
Lok Sampark - Outreach Every swayamsevak is a friend. Every friend is a swayamsevak. Utilizing skills and resources for continuous recruitment. Places to reach out. Social networking sites Targeted demography : youth/settled families/missing sections
List some activities that you have used to connect more people to Sangh.
List 3 new things that you would like to try in the next year. Keep notes of what worked and key learnings (so that you can share with others)
Lok Sangraha- Connecting, bonding Always welcoming Undivided attention ‘Pahale billi bano’ Strict on self, considerate to others Filter with bigger holes Once a friend, always a friend Putting others first
List 3 people who exhibit the qualities of a great Lok Sangrahi. What qualities make them so?
List three strengths about you that can be used for Lok Sangraha. What action will you take to make strength productive? What skills do you need to learn to make your strengths productive?
Lok Samskar - Lok Samskar - Strategy for developing workers Individual Everyone's job Be yourself Three essentials for samskar Ideal Role model Activity
Define the process in which a newcomer becomes a swayamsevak, and a swayamsevak becomes a karyakarta
kaya-kta- inamaa-Na kI prMpra A Tradition Of Karyakarta Development Efforts in developing systems/processes Not one person dependant
Systems Shakha Niyamit (regular) Karyakram Naimittik (special) Karyakram Baithak Varg, SSV Sampark, Pravas
What systems shall I focus and strengthen? How?
Improvement & Innovation Constant core but evolving outer form Upward or downward Thrust to improve Innovate with desh, kaal and paristhiti Sangh DNA
List 3 activities/programs that can be called an innovation from the country’s Sangh perspective, that are helping Sangh to continue to contribute and grow.
- Performance; Deliver results in line with the mission Define and measure performance, focus on contribution Bi-focal vision Action imperative (knowledge without action is hypocrisy)
- Performance; Deliver results in line with the mission Performance means concentrating the available resources where the results are. Work is done when it’s done. First thing first. Identify the constituency
Define the performance of your unit of Sangh. Define the measurement.
Define the results of your responsibility. What are the contributions expected from you?
List 3 grand ideas/plan in last 10 years which have not seen the daylight yet. Are they in line with your values/mission? Do you want to commit to acting on them? How?
Build the organization around information and communication instead of around hierarchy Build on opportunities. SLOW is different from LOW.
Effective Decisions- What is the decision really about? What are the boundary conditions that the solution has to satisfy? Thinking through what is ‘right’ The actions should be build in the decision. The ‘feedback’ tests the validity and effectiveness Constructively use dissent Responsibility of bailing out
List 3 decisions that went wrong in the past 6 months that you took. Relate the main elements of ‘effective decision’ to that situation and identify which rule was broken.
-People and Relationship Collectivity Developing TEAM Develop Systems Once a swayamsevak, always a swayamsevak Once a friend, always a friend Build on strength and opportunity
List 3 jobs/functions related to your role which require building a team, define the skills required, identify people whose skills match those required.
Lok Niyojan People decisions Supporting with four roles: (mentor, teacher, evaluator, encourager) Accepting differences Not to depend on insight alone -People and Relationship
List 3 responsibilities that you assigned – are you supporting these with the 4 roles? How? If not, what could you do to support them?
Atmavilopi vrutti Swayamsevakatva Karmayogi Saadhak Sakhaa Developing self and developing others Focus - Developing Oneself