Fuzzy sets II Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Ramík Fuzzy sets II
Content Extension principle Extended binary operations with fuzzy numbers Extended operations with L-R fuzzy numbers Extended operations with t-norms Probability, possibility and fuzzy measure Probability and possibility of fuzzy event Fuzzy sets of the 2nd type Fuzzy relations Fuzzy sets II
Extension principle (EP) by L. Zadeh, 1965 EP makes possible to extend algebraical operations with NUMBERS to FUZZY SETS Even more: EP makes possible to extend REAL FUNCTIONS of real variables to FUZZY FUNCTIONS with fuzzy variables Even more: EP makes possible to extend CRISP CONCEPTS to FUZZY CONCEPTS (e.g. relations, convergence, derivative, integral, etc.) Fuzzy sets II
Example 1. Addition of fuzzy numbers EP: Fuzzy sets II
the operation denotes + or · (add or multiply) Theorem 1. Let the operation denotes + or · (add or multiply) - fuzzy numbers, [0,1] - -cuts Then is defined by its -cuts as follows [0,1] Fuzzy sets II
Extension principle for functions X1, X2,…,Xn, Y - sets n - fuzzy sets on Xi , i = 1,2,…,n g : X1X2 …Xn Y - function of n variables i.e. (x1,x2 ,…,xn ) y = g (x1,x2 ,…,xn ) Then the extended function is defined by Fuzzy sets II
Remarks g-1(y) = {(x1,x2 ,…,xn ) | y = g (x1,x2 ,…,xn )} - co-image of y Special form of EP: g (x1,x2) = x1+x2 or g (x1,x2) = x1*x2 Instead of Min any t-norm T can be used - more general for of EP Fuzzy sets II
Example 2. Fuzzy Min and Max Fuzzy sets II
Extended operations with L-R fuzzy numbers L, R : [0,+) [0,1] - decreasing functions - shape functions L(0) = R(0) = 1, m - main value, > 0, > 0 = (m, , )LR - fuzzy number of L-R-type if Left spread Right spread Fuzzy sets II
Example 3. L-R fuzzy number “About eight” Fuzzy sets II
Example 4. L(u) = Max(0,1 ‑ u) R(u) = Fuzzy sets II
Addition Theorem 2. Let = (m,,)LR , = (n,,)LR where L, R are shape functions Then is defined as Example: (2,3,4)LR (1,2,3)LR = (3,5,7)LR Fuzzy sets II
Opposite FN = (m,,)LR - FN of L-R-type = (m,, )LR - opposite FN of L-R-type to “Fuzzy minus” Fuzzy sets II
Subtraction Theorem 3. Let = (m,,)LR , = (n,,)LR where L, R are shape functions Then is defined as Example: (2,3,4)LR (1,2,3)LR = (1,6,6)LR Fuzzy sets II
Example 5. Subtraction Fuzzy sets II
Multiplication Theorem 4. Let = (m,,)LR , = (n,,)LR where L, R are shape functions Then is defined by approximate formulae: Example by 1.: (2,3,4)LR (1,2,3)LR (2,7,10)LR 1. 2. Fuzzy sets II
Example 6. Multiplication = (2,1,2)LR , = (4,2,2)LR (8,8,12)LR formula 1. - - - - formula 2. ……. exact function Fuzzy sets II
Inverse FN = (m,,)LR > 0 - FN of L-R-type - approximate formula 1 We define inverse FN only for positive (or negative) FN ! Fuzzy sets II
Example 7. Inverse FN = (2,1,2)LR f.2: f.1: formula 1. - - - - formula 2. ……. exact function Fuzzy sets II
Division = (m,,)LR , = (n,,)LR > 0 where L, R are shape functions Define Combinations of approximate formulae, e.g. Fuzzy sets II
Probability, possibility and fuzzy measure Sigma Algebra (-Algebra) on : F - collection of classical subsets of the set satisfying: (A1) F (A2) if A F then CA F (A3) if Ai F, i = 1, 2, ... then i Ai F - elementary space (space of outcomes - elementary events) F - -Algebra of events of Fuzzy sets II
Probability measure F - -Algebra of events of p : F [0,1] - probability measure on F satisfying: (W1) if A F then p(A) 0 (W2) p() = 1 (W3) if Ai F , i = 1, 2, ..., Ai Aj = , ij then p(i Ai ) = i p(Ai ) - -additivity (W3*) if A,B F , AB= , then p(AB ) = p(A ) + p(B) - additivity Fuzzy sets II
Fuzzy measure F - -Algebra of events of g : F [0,1] - fuzzy measure on F satisfying: (FM1) p() = 0 (FM2) p() = 1 (FM3) if A,B F , AB then p(A) p(B) - monotonicity (FM4) if A1, A2,... F , A1 A2 ... then g(Ai ) = g( Ai ) - continuity Fuzzy sets II
Properties Additivity condition (W3) is stronger than monotonicity (MP3) & continuity (MP4) i.e. (W3) (MP3) & (MP4) Consequence: Any probability measure is a fuzzy measure but not contrary Fuzzy sets II
Possibility measure P() - Power set of (st of all subsets of ) : P() [0,1] - possibility measure on satisfying: (P1) () = 0 (P2) () = 1 (P3) if Ai P() , i = 1, 2, ... then (i Ai ) = Supi {p(Ai )} (P3*) if A,B P() , then (AB ) = Max{(A ), (B)} Fuzzy sets II
Properties Condition (P3) is stronger than monotonicity (MP3) & continuity (MP4) i.e. (P3) (MP3) & (MP4) Consequence: Any possibility measure is a fuzzy measure but not contrary Fuzzy sets II
F = {, A, B, C, AB, BC, AC, ABC} Example 8. = ABC F = {, A, B, C, AB, BC, AC, ABC} Fuzzy sets II
Possibility distribution - possibility measure on P() Function : [0,1] defined by (x) = ({x}) for x is called a possibility distribution on Interpretation: is a membership function of a fuzzy set , i.e. (x) = A(x) x , A(x) is the possibility that x belongs to Fuzzy sets II
Probability and possibility of fuzzy event Example 1: What is the possibility (probability) that tomorrow will be a nice weather ? Example 2: What is the possibility (probability) that the profit of the firm A in 2003 will be high ? nice weather, high profit - fuzzy events Fuzzy sets II
Probability of fuzzy event Finite universe ={x1, …,xn} - finite set of elementary outcomes F - -Algebra on P - probability measure on F - fuzzy set of , with the membership function A(x) - fuzzy event, A F for [0,1] P( ) = - probability of fuzzy event Fuzzy sets II
Probability of fuzzy event Real universe = R - real numbers - set of elementary outcomes F - -Algebra on R P - probability measure on F given by density fction g - fuzzy set of R, with the membership function A(x) - fuzzy event A F for [0,1] P( ) = - probability of fuzzy event Fuzzy sets II
Example 9. = (4, 1, 2)LR L(u) = R(u) = e-u - “around 4” - density function of random value = 0,036 Fuzzy sets II
Possibility of fuzzy event - set of elementary outcomes : [0,1] - possibility distribution - fuzzy set of , with the membership function A(x) - fuzzy event A F for [0,1] P( ) = - possibility of fuzzy event Fuzzy sets II
Fuzzy sets of the 2nd type The function value of the membership function is again a fuzzy set (FN) of [0,1] Fuzzy sets II
Example 10. Fuzzy sets II
Linguistic variable “Stature”- Height of the body Example 11. Linguistic variable “Stature”- Height of the body Fuzzy sets II
Fuzzy relations X - universe - (binary) fuzzy (valued) relation on X = fuzzy set on XX is given by the membership function R : XX [0,1] FR is: Reflexive: R (x,x) = 1 xX Symmetric: R (x,y) = R (y,x) x,yX Transitive: Supz[Min{R (x,z), R (z,y)}] R (x,y) Equivalence: reflexive & symmetric & transitive Fuzzy sets II
Binary fuzzy relation : “x is much greater than y” Example 12. Binary fuzzy relation : “x is much greater than y” e.g. R(8,1) = 7/9 = 0,77… - is antisymmetric: If R (x,y) > 0 then R (y,x) = 0 x,yX Fuzzy sets II
Binary fuzzy relation : “x is similar to y” Example 13. Binary fuzzy relation : “x is similar to y” X = {1,2,3,4,5} x/y 1 2 3 4 5 1,0 0,5 0,3 0,2 0,6 0,7 0,4 0,8 is equivalence ! Fuzzy sets II
Summary Extension principle Extended binary operations with fuzzy numbers Extended operations with L-R fuzzy numbers Extended operations with t-norms Probability, possibility and fuzzy measure Probability and possibility of fuzzy event Fuzzy sets of the 2nd type Fuzzy relations Fuzzy sets II
References [1] J. Ramík, M. Vlach: Generalized concavity in fuzzy optimization and decision analysis. Kluwer Academic Publ. Boston, Dordrecht, London, 2001. [2] H.-J. Zimmermann: Fuzzy set theory and its applications. Kluwer Academic Publ. Boston, Dordrecht, London, 1996. [3] H. Rommelfanger: Fuzzy Decision Support - Systeme. Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 1994. [4] H. Rommelfanger, S. Eickemeier: Entscheidungstheorie - Klassische Konzepte und Fuzzy - Erweiterungen, Springer - Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 2002. Fuzzy sets II