If you are a teen driving your first vehicle and want to joke around with your friends… CONSIDER THIS!!!
Ask Yourself “What can I do to lower my risk of being in a car crash?” It’s not something we think about very often, even though we should.
Did You Know?... Car crashes are the number one cause of death for teens.
Teens behind the wheel and passengers account for one in every five deaths to 15 to 19- year-olds in the U.S. Car crashes kill nearly five times more teens than cancer or poisoning.
50% are caused by distracted drivers.
Also did you know… 11% of all 20 year old drivers involved in a fatal crash were reported as distracted.
Common Distractions Texting Phone Calls Eating or drinking Grooming Reading Using a navigation system Adjusting a radio, CD player, or MP3 player
There are more than just those distractions. There are also vehicle and operator errors.
Look Ahead Slow Down
Seating Position Sit up and drive!
Skid Recovery Avoid this by driving slower and allowing additional room to stop between your car and the car in front of you.
Knowing where you are going!
NEVER GIVE UP!!! Education can make you a better driver!
People don’t consider the risks of distracted driving; however, they should. Careless drivers are more likely to become a victim of fatal car crashes.
No matter where you are, you always need to stay alert.
Things to keep in mind: Speed Road Conditions Tail Gating Freeway Driving Weather
If you think about it, the problems you face can only be solved by one person… that one person is YOU. If you are responsible and alert every time you get in your car, you could save lives.
Teens don’t think about the responsibility needed to drive a vehicle.
If you have considered all of those facts, have you considered the responsibility of knowing your vehicle?...
Examples Brakes Tires Steering and Suspension Wipers Emergency Brake Headlights Seat Belt
That next time you get in your car make sure its safe to drive.
Drive Smart and Drive Safe by Driving Right!
Made by: Christena Pollack, Cierra Keller Stewartsville C-2 Stewartsville, Missouri Region 1 Youth Traffic Safety Song: Days Go By By Keith Urban
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