Stephen McClean School of Biomedical Sciences University of Ulster Blog: Screen Captured Video Feedback to Enhance Engagement with Laboratory Practical Work
Chemistry ‘service teaching’ module Provides foundational chemistry for further study in biochemistry, clinical biochemistry, molecular biology etc. Taken by students in Biomedical Sciences, Human Nutrition, Food and Nutrition, Dietetics & Biology 140+ students in each academic year BMS105 Introductory Chemistry
Promoting Engagement Pre-Lab Laboratory protocol available online Student-generated preview video available (McClean & Hagan 2011 Pre-practical assessment completed before coming to class (Langton, 2011
Feedback After Practical Comments on individual student protocols Generic MP3 audio and Screencast video feedback Generic comments in class
Promoting Engagement Pre-Lab Laboratory protocol available online Student-generated preview video available + Feedback Video + Learning Resources for next prac.. Pre-practical assessment completed before coming to class
Video Part 1 – Feedback on Practical
Video Part 2 – Preview of Next Practical
Video Part 3 – Learning for Next Practical
Text message & alerts when video feedback is available…
Online Feedback Provided… You Tube screencast video Screencast video on module website MP3 audio file Image credit:
What did our students say? Students “dynamically surveyed” during semester one (2013/14) when feedback was being provided Turning Point audience response system used Typically n= 80 students per survey Full evaluation and focus group to be convened in April 2014 Image credit:
So far my preferred means of receiving notifications about BMS105 is: 1. 2.Text Message 3.Twitter 4.Facebook 5.In-class announcements
When I receive a text message with a link to feedback online I will most likely…. 1.Click the link immediately 2.Wait until I am at a PC and then type in the link 3.Wait for the link to be sent by & then access it 4.Go straight to Planet Chemistry and look for the link 5.Other…..
I find that video feedback is not useful 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Somewhat Agree 4.Neutral 5.Somewhat Disagree 6.Disagree 7.Strongly Disagree
It is very important that feedback materials should be supplied so that they may be readily accessed on a mobile device... 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Somewhat Agree 4.Neutral 5.Somewhat Disagree 6.Disagree 7.Strongly Disagree
Given one choice the type of feedback I prefer would be…. 1.Verbal, in class 2.Personalised MP3 Audio 3.Personalised Video 4.Written comments on submitted work 5.Other
“..I am able to receive oral feedback while following along with the video and step by step on the practical sheet in order to see where I went wrong. However written feedback is my most preferred mode of feedback.” “..written feedback has been more useful, video has helped with calculations.”
Final Reflections Generic video feedback useful for large numbers of students Opportunities for further learning may be incorporated such as video tutorials, calculations, techniques etc. Individual feedback may be offered on electronic submissions of essays, literature reviews etc. Further reading: The use of video technology for providing feedback to students: Can it enhance the feedback experience for staff and students?
Final Reflections Range of screen capture tools available such as Camtasia, Jing (free) and Screenr (free) Can be initially time consuming to create screen captured learning resources but it is a worthwhile investment! Once created they may be distributed widely
Acknowledgements Students on BMS105 HEA Teaching Development Grant Scheme