MN Department of Corrections Crisis Intervention Training - Implementation Warden Michelle Smith – MCF Stillwater Patti Hecht- Kressly, President -Pro-Crisis LLC Sgt. Glenn Lisowy – MCF- Oak Park Heights CIT International August 21, 2012 Las Vegas, NV
CIT video
Correctional Facilities in Minnesota
MCF-Stillwater (1635) MCF-Oak Park Heights (473 )
MCF-Rush City (1030) MCF-St. Cloud (1054 )
Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) Implementation Do it right 40 hours Excellent Speakers Focus on Role Plays Enough time As Real As Possible (ARAP) Scenarios Actors Coaches Class size Our goals for the training New skills Attitudes Culture Change Who should attend Application process Selection (Recruitment)
CIT Steering Committee Deputy Commissioner Director Behavioral Health National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Training Committee (Warden Rep) Research Director Director of Employee Development Facility CIT Representatives (one each) CIT Training Committee Warden NAMI Employee Development Behavioral Health CIT “Expert” Security Representative Contractor Facility CIT Committees Associate Warden Operations Mental Health Director NAMI/Advocate Additional members
NAMI Support Panelists/speakers Unique perspective Reaching out to community partners to strengthen CIT infrastructure
Selection of officers Long-range Goal is to train 20% of DOC Security Staff. To start at OPH, STW, RC & SCL. Not every officer is cut out to be a CIT officer nor do they have an interest. Our selection process identifies those officers with good people skills, patience, and an ability to think critically. No discipline record. Beginning with Officers working in Segregation and with our growing Mental Health offender population. Working toward all officers and other staff within the facilities.
CIT Course Topics Day One Introduction and Overview – warden History of CIT – warden Mental Health Basics – Ph.D. from facility Round Table – NAMI MN facilitator and consumers De-escalation and communication techniques Role Play
Day Two Axis 2 Mental health – Personality Disorders Medications Therapist from Mental health Facility Medications Suicide risk factors and prevention Self Care Role Play
Day Three Treatment Systems Overview of special need offenders – TBI DD Ex- Offender experience Experiential Exercises- hearing voices mp3 and other exercises. Role Play
Day Four Site Visits Civil Commitment Cultural Competency Recovery Program/half way house MN DOC mental health facility Out patient/day treatment Civil Commitment Cultural Competency Military Vets and PTSD
Day Five Role Play Policy and Procedure CIT Resources Graduation Wardens from all facilities with students Commissioner of Corrections Other dignitaries
Role Plays for DOC CIT MN DOC Officers participate in 8 hours of Role Playing within the 40 hour class. Professional Actors as role players Actors must fit demographics of offenders. Actors “experienced” inside two of the facilities. Scenarios must be realistic to officers experiences. Terms, locations, weapons, clothing, safety. Crisis situations
Compare/Contrast CIT: Law Enforcement vs. Corrections Beliefs of CIT (Hug a thug) and changing the culture of the system. Contact time with Offender. Officer Safety and Security Issues. Policy and procedure differences. Availability of resources.
CIT Officer Perspective Sgt. Glenn Lisowy Need for it Already do it (IPC) Training is a reference point Support of Administration
Recognition of CIT officers Recognizing CIT officers provides an incentive for them to continue with CIT. Let staff know there participation is important and helps provide a sense of accomplishment and ownership to this program.
Program Evaluation and Sustainability Evaluation can help measure the impact of the CIT program (outcomes), can help with program improvements and provide the kind of information to assist with sustainability. There needs to be a system in place for on-going training to ensure your knowledge and skills remain sharp.
Minnesota Department of Corrections Progress Sent 4 teams to NIC training: Central Office 12/10, Stillwater 3/11, Oak Park Heights 7/11, Rush City 12/11 Crisis Intervention Teams: A Frontline Response to Mental Illness in Corrections Hired contractor to assist with CIT training Completed 40 hour training curriculum Provided (3) trainings (Nov 2011, Feb 2012, May 2012 ) 86 Department of Corrections staff, 5 Hennepin County Staff and 2 Iowa Depart of Corrections staff.
Minnesota Department of Corrections Progress – Continued Provided coaches training – 17 Department of Corrections staff Completed CIT policy Completed CIT incident report form Planning to involve Shakopee, Red Wing Hoping to continue partnerships with other local agencies as well as other States.
CIT Policy Elements Purpose and Definitions Application & selection process Training program outline and essential components Ongoing refresher training Available officers CIT activation and appropriate utilization Report & evaluation Officer removal from CIT Copies available on request
Five Year Plan Framework CIT should be well-integrated into DOC facilities A minimum of 25% of correctional officers are CIT trained We should have a solid core of coaches at each site CIT symposium and recognition program will be well attended Evaluations of CIT should show that it is effective Improves safety for staff and offenders Decreases instances of use of force Minnesota DOC will be recognized nationally for integrating CIT into facilities and field services
DOC CIT class #1 November 4, 2011
DOC CIT class #2 February 10, 2012
DOC CIT class #3 May 14-18, 2012
Questions??? Thank You and Good Luck! Michelle Smith - Warden MCF-Stillwater Patti Kressly - President Pro-Crisis Glenn Lisowy- Sergeant MCF-Oak Park Heights