What Parents Should Know about this Wired- From-Birth Generation U NDERSTANDING THE D IGITAL N ATIVE Click to view video
A BOUT T ODAY ' S K IDS …. 75% of year-olds now own cell phones Half of teens send 50 or more text messages a day, or 1,500 texts a month, and one in three send more than 100 texts a day, or more than 3,000 texts a month
A BOUT T ODAY ' S K IDS …. 55% of all online American youths ages use online social networking sites Facebook is the most popular Social Networking Site. Twitter is least with only 8% reporting using Twitter Click to view video
Student discussions include college or college planning; learning outside of school; news; careers or jobs; politics, ideas, religion, or morals; and schoolwork."
A BOUT T ODAY ' S K IDS …. 97% of teens ages play computer, web, portable, or console games The five most popular are Guitar Hero, Halo 3, Madden NFL, Solitaire, and Dance Dance Revolution
A BOUT T ODAY ' S K IDS …. One-third of teens age and a quarter of tweens age 8-12 watch TV on the internet Youth spend an average of 1500 hours per year watching TV TV is on in an average U.S. home: 6 hours, 47 minutes per day
D ID YOU K NOW ? MP3 devices are used to play MP3 (music) files and are increasingly taking the place of CD’s and radios for teens. One in five Americans over the age of 12 now own portable MP3 Players and one in 20 own more than one.
D ID YOU K NOW ? Electronic books or Ebooks are a growing trend among teens and adults The sales of Ebooks in the past 3 years have increased over $110 million in the U.S. alone.
D ID YOU K NOW ? 55% of teens reported using chat rooms online in 2000 Only 18% reported using chat rooms is
D ID YOU K NOW ? Two-thirds of teens never wear a watch, preferring cell phones and other means of keeping track of time Fewer than 10% wear a watch all the time
D ID YOU K NOW ? 57% of teens create web pages, blogs, videos and other internet content 51% of teens download music 22% of teens have a personal webpage 35% of teens use the internet to research or buy products Click to view video
W HAT ARE THE D ANGERS ? 42% of kids have been bullied while online. 1 in 4 have had it happen more than once. Surveys show that one in five of our kids will receive sexual advances while online but that less than 25 per cent of them will inform a parent or adult. 89% of all sexual advances towards our children take place in internet chat rooms and through instant messaging
W HAT ARE THE D ANGERS ? ‘Sexting’ (sending nude photos via text message) is increasingly common among teens. 20% of teens said they had sent or posted nude or semi nude photos or videos of themselves. In 2009, 3 teen girls and 3 male classmates in Pennsylvania who participated in ‘sexting’ were charged with child pornography. In 2009, a Florida teen was required to register as a sex offender because of ‘sexting’.
W HAT ARE THE D ANGERS ? Kids sometimes share too much information with strangers 62% of kids post photos of themselves online, 50% share their real age, 45% the name of their school, and 41% the city where they live. 14% post their cell phone number. between 1995 and 2000, approximately 135 children were abducted or molested as a result of Internet contact
W HAT ARE THE D ANGERS ? 34% of children ages 10 to 17 were exposed to unwanted sexual material on the Internet A poll from the National Sleep Foundation said teens with four or more electronic items in their bedrooms were twice as likely to fall asleep in school. The risk of becoming depressed was 2.5 times higher among teens who were addicted to the Internet compared with those who weren't according to research from Australia
S O H OW C AN P ARENTS P ROTECT K IDS ? Get to know the Internet. Get to know the words and terms used to describe what happens online and on the Internet. Do not put the computer in your child’s bedroom or other “hidden” area. Computers should be in an open place where you can see what is going on Talk to your kids about their online habits
T EACH Y OUR K IDS TO … Never reveal personal information online including groups they may belong to. Never have an online friend that their parents don’t know about. Remember that online friends that they have chatted with for a long time are still strangers. All of the rules about strangers still apply. Never agree to meet somebody they met online in person.
H OW TO R EALLY B EGIN TO U NDERSTAND YOUR K IDS … Join a Social Networking Site they belong to. Text your child daily to ask how they are doing Explore the internet sites they visit Play a video game with your child Ask your child questions about technology
F OR M ORE I NFO … Lampasas Middle School Created by S. Petrey 1/4/2011 Click to view video