Edition Statement
Definition A statement relating to a version of a work that contains differences from other editions of that work
Edition statements affect matching Excerpt from OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards The following differences do not justify a new record: n Absence or presence of "book club edition" statements if that is the only difference n Absence or presence of "first edition" statements if that is the only difference n Absence or presence of "paperback edition" statements if that is the only difference n Variation in position of edition information in the record (i.e. MARC tag 250 vs. MARC tag 500)
Edition statements affect matching—cont. Excerpt from OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards Differences that justify a new record: n Variation in date designation associated with edition (e.g., Draft, Jan vs. Draft, May 1989) n Variation in numbered edition statements (e.g., 2nd ed. vs. 3rd ed.) n Variation in statements indicating a difference in content (e.g., Teacher ed. vs. Student ed.) n Variation in statements indicating abridgment, enlargement, etc. n Variation in statements indicating "draft," "preliminary," "revision," etc.
Edition statements affect matching—cont. Excerpt from OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards Differences that justify a new record: n Variation in statements indicating geographic coverage (e.g., Midwest ed. vs. Western ed.) n Variation in statements indicating language content (e.g., Spanish ed. vs. Italian ed.) n Variation in description among issues of an edition that indicate a difference in content, e.g., illustrated vs. non-illustrated, certain sections present or absent, etc.
Where do you look? n AACR: Prescribed source of information u Differs depending on format F Books—title page, other preliminaries, colophon F Sound recordings—disc or cassette label, then container, etc. F Videorecordings—credit frames, then container, etc. n RDA: Preferred source, or the part of the item that provides the most complete information
Cataloger-supplied edition statements based on local practice n Use the wording established by local policies n AACR and RDA-Record the edition statement in brackets n Separate from other edition statements by a comma
MARC coding and ISBD punctuation n MARC tag 250 _ _ (Indicators are blank) n $aEdition statement n $bRemainder of edition statement u Parallel edition statement in another language u Statement of responsibility pertaining only to that edition n Subfield b preceded by u Equal sign (=) for parallel edition statement u Slash (/) for statement of responsibility. Separate functions by space ; space n MARC tag 250 ends in a period
Recording the edition statement n AACR -- Transcribe the wording of the edition statement as found on the item. Use prescribed abbreviations for both words and numbers On t.p verso: Second revised edition 250 _ _ $a2nd rev. ed. n RDA -- Transcribe the edition statement as found on the item, including abbreviations and capitalization On title page: Second Revised Edition 250 _ _ $aSecond Revised Edition.
SHARE Local Practice— DVDs, Blu-rays, Combo packs Add an edition statement from the list below to distinguish format. This may be added to an existing edition statement, separated by a comma. This is local practice only; do not add to master records in OCLC: 250 _ _ $a[Blu-ray]. 250 _ _ $a[3D Blu-ray]. 250 _ _ $a[DVD]. 250 _ _ $a[3D DVD]. 250 _ _ $aCollectors ed., [Blu-ray]. 250 _ _ $a[3D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD combo].
SHARE Local Practice— Larger print Add the following edition statement to larger print records. This should be added to the master record in OCLC to keep the records from being merged incorrectly in WorldCat. 250 _ _ $a[Larger print ed.].
SHARE Local Practice— Sound recordings and pre-loaded audio players Add an edition statement to records for MP3 sound recordings to distinguish format 250 _ _ $aAnniversary edition, [MP3-CD]. Add an edition statement to records for preloaded audio players such as Playaway and GoReader to distinguish brand 250 _ _ $a[Playaway]. This may be added to an existing edition statement, separated by a comma. This is local practice only; do not add to master records in OCLC.
For more information-- n MARC Coding u OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards F Through Connexion F On OCLC website: u MARC21 format for bibliographic data F On Library of Congress website: n Cataloging rules u AACR—print u RDA—print or online: n SHARE cataloging standards and best practices SHARE cataloging standards and best practices