Monthly Activity & Utilization Reports Customized Employee Benefits Portal Employee Incentive & Wellness Program Integrated, Proactive Employee Communications MyHealthCoachNow Population Health SELF - Management An Open, Integrated, and Inclusionary Solution BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 BenefitsOptimization (BOB) is a blend of five key employee wellness services specifically designed to proactively engage your entire workforce. BOB enables your employees to live a healthier lifestyle by “helping them do the right thing on a regular basis.” This results in lower healthcare costs and increased productivity. BOB’s integrated environment includes a customized employee benefits portal, a proactive virtual health coach, an employee communication service, a healthy rewards incentive program, and detailed monthly utilization reports. BOB is designed to include and enhance ANY other health or wellness investment an employer has made (e.g. wellness company, carrier services, on-site facility, disease management, etc) by driving utilization of those resources, and improving the ROI in them. Next
Customized Employee Benefits Portal “Elements” can be Hyper-links.PDF.AVI.MP3.DOC.PPT.XLS … BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 Next
My Profile My Programs BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 Next Virtual, Personal Health CoachingPopulation Health SELF ManagementParticipant-Centric / Participant-Driven A Total Population Health Self Management Solution MyHealthCoachNow Open, Integrated, & Inclusionary
Proactively engage your entire workforce Establish multi-level employee communications Promote on-site vendor events / activities Immediate information distribution channel Interface with social media Broadcast & Outreach Campaign BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 Next Employee Opinion Surveys (gather data / drives utilization / informs population) Examples: Wellness Program Interests Program Satisfaction / Feedback Opinions / Current Events Population Engagement ( Fun! ) Integrated Employee Communications (web / text / / phone / smart-phone) Broadcast & Outreach services can drive survey utilization. “New Survey on-line. Your opinion matters!” Drives employee utilization of your benefits portal. Gives them a reason to return regularly, not just during enrollment season.
MyHealthRewards Participate in HRA Complete MHC-Now Coaching Attend Lunch & Learn Achieve Health Goal Complete Related Healthy Activities BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 Next Employees earn “Reward Points” each time they complete a healthy activity. An “activity” can be the completion of an MHC-Now coaching session... or if they participate in an on-site activity, like a Health Assessment, education class (nutrition, smoke cessation, diabetes management), or in a group activity, like walking or yoga. …or if they attain a stated goal or objective (such as desired weight, A1c level, or other health goal)
Monthly Utilization Reports BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 Next
Customized / Inclusionary benefits portal Population Health Management / MHC-Now Communications, Surveys, & Opinion Polls Integrated Health Incentive Program Monthly Utilization & Activity reports Enabling / Utilization Driver / ROI Enhancer All for less than $1 Per Employee Per Month Summary BenefitsOptimization (914) x124 Next
For more information or to take a “test drive” contact Henry Petrie at (914) x124 or at “Helping people do the right thing on a regular basis”