Sixth Grade Oceanography Trip Introductory meeting
Itinerary Monday Travel11:30 am Sea Port Village6:30 pm Tuesday Sea World 9:30 am Floating Labs4:00 pm Dry Beach Time7:30 pm Wednesday Scripps Aquarium1:00 pm Travel2:00 pm Home10:00 pm
Finances Tax credit form 2012 or 2013 tax credit can be $400 for a married couple Trip costs $ Chaperons do pay
What to bring Clothes Dress Warm Warm Winter clothing: jacket, gloves, and hat Boat ride is chilly! Food Nutritious snacks Limit sugar and salt Please no portable DVD players and lap tops. School is not liable for lost or stolen items! ElectronicsElectronics Mp3 players, portable gaming devices, and cell phones are allowed on bus and hotel room. They CAN NOT go on the field trips!
Meals Meal cost is $50.00 – This is included in the price of the trip. This includes every meal except Sea Port Village. February 23 Seaport Village ($10) February 24 Breakfast – Sparkey’s 50’s diner Sea World – sack lunch Dry Beach – dinner on the beach February 25 Breakfast burritos at Seal Beach Snack at Scripps Dinner in Yuma
Medication Medication needs to be to Janice Kirby by February 11th. All prescription medication needs to have a doctors prescription. All over the counter needs to have parent permission. All medication needs to be in unopened original container.
Due Dates January 18th – $ deposit due February 11 – Last day to make tax credit and final payment due February 11 – Medical form and medicine to Janice
Parent Updates Parents will be updated through Mrs. Zimmer’s phone message. Call to listen to updates everyday. “Live”Twitter
Questions What happens if there is a change in schedule? Do the buses have seat belts? What kind of security does Project Exploration have? Can students call home? Can students leave their rooms at night? How much luggage can we bring?
Questions Are gum, soda, or sunflower seeds permitted? Where can the students go in Sea World? Why can’t students swim at the beach? What about motion sickness?
Hotel Mission Valley Resort Rooms are grouped together Two security personnel 3/4 students per room 2 chaperons per room
Arizona State Standards Strand 1 : Inquiry Strand 2: History and Nature of Science Floating lab investigations Sea World adventures Strand 6: Earth and Space Science Experience first hand oceanography experiences on all field trips
Questions from Audience Thank you for coming! More information will be sent home as needed.