Technology Matrix EDU 521 Deborah Duffy
Lesson Planning Technology Matrix First Grade ~ Deborah Duffy Connecticut Standards Games Cooperative Small Groups Blogs Learning Centers Mathematics Replicate a pattern using a different representation such as from color to shape. Virtual Manipulatives Language Arts Listen to acquire information from a variety of sources. Audiobooks Reading Blend onset and rime to form words, e.g., /d/ /o/ /g/ = dog. SMARTboard LessonSMARTboard Lesson and web gameand web game Social Studies Analyze the need for interpersonal relationships (e.g. family, friends, social organizations.) Glogster
The lesson’s purpose is to reinforce the concept of various patterns sorted by color, shape, size, and other attributes such as motions. Students will learn to replicate patterns from one representation to another. Virtual manipulatives are interesting and are readily available and can easily be manipulated to change colors, shapes, etc. I would use this technology because it is often cumbersome to collect manipulatives to satisfy a variety of pattern sequences. Students will rotate through various math centers. A computer station will house two students who will work in pairs at on pattern formations. Ongoing assessment will occur by observation as the teacher rotates throughout the room and monitors web site usage. At the end of the unit, students will be asked to make patterns to submit to the teacher. Various patterns, e.g. AB, AABC, etc. patterns will be required sorted by shape and/or color. Students will be required to make patterns using music, motions and using other objects or students in the room. Virtual Manipulatives
Audiobooks The purpose of this lesson is to provide a different avenue to reinforce listening skills for students to acquire information from a variety of literary genres. This technology was chosen because it is easily assessable to transfer onto cd or mp3 players where books on tape get scratched or films get tangled and students can follow along with a book. Each reading group will listen to a level appropriate book during the course of a week. Other groups may be working on their book at the reading table with the teacher or working on their worksheets individually or in groups. To assess student’s understanding of the book, they would have a worksheet to do where they describe characters, sequencing and settings of the story. The lesson would be differentiated by level of storyline and detail and/or length of worksheet. At the end of the unit, the students would put together a short skit about the different stories that their group listened to and read and present it to the class.
SMARTboard Lesson I would create a whole group game using a Smartboard to teach a lesson on onsets and rime at the start of a reading block. Students would form two “teams” and would guess my word using different word families. I chose this technology because of it adaptability to easily manipulate words and because of its simplistic ability to interact with the students. Students will come to the board and choose words from the list and phonetically read them. To differentiate the lesson, there will be different page options that the teacher will offer to different groups of children. As a follow-up to this activity, children can work on individually working on phonics games. Essential knowledge attainment assessment is ongoing as the lesson is set up as a non-competitive game where children take turns coming to the board to guess my word. Homework and an end of unit traditional worksheet quiz is used to gather summative information of each student’s learning.
Glogster Students will create a personal page in Glogster that will describe themselves, their family and friends and community in which they live for the social studies unit “all about me”. The purpose is to ascertain an individual’s place in a community and analyze how those interactions are important. This technology was chosen because if offers a variety of designs and icons to describe the student in a creative way. Students are given the option to download photos, write narratives and create images of important parts of their lives. Students are able to personalize, elaborate and communicate on this protected page that can be seen only by the rest of the class. Glogster page will be a section of a larger social studies project that will be created over a period of time. The lesson will be assessed by monitoring the students progress and how he/she navigates through the page. The final assessment of the unit will be when students share their final product to the class. Students will be made aware that spelling, sentence mechanics and overall creativity will be assessed.