So much information at your fingertips! Let’s have a look! Google: jazz How many results did you get? Is that too much information? Can you trust all the information that you find? 2 Internet Searches Pros and Cons
Wikipedia: Friend or Foe? So, who writes these Wikipedia entries anyway? Can I edit an article? Can I trust what I find? So, is it useful at all? Example: Look up “jazz” 3
5 Database What is a database? ►A collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data. You can think of a database as an electronic filing system.computerprogramselectdata system
6 How to access the Birmingham Public Library Databases? ♦Go to
7 Step 2 Click on the “Databases” link in the upper right corner of the page. This takes you to the BPL database page. All databases offered by BPL are listed on this page.
8 In the gray rectangle, there is a search box for electronic journals. You can type in the name or click on the “electronic journals link. By Database Quick Links, you can click on the drop down arrow and click on the database you wish to use. 1 2 Step 3
9 Step 4 A list of databases appears for you to choose from. They are listed in alphabetical order. 3 3
10 Databases are categorized in five different ways. In the “Find Databases” section, you can choose to find databases: Listed By Name– Lists the databases in Alphabetical order with a description of the database underneath its name. Available from Home or Office - Lists all databases that you can access outside of the library from your home or office computer. JCLC Accessible - In the “Databases by Audience” section, you can choose to look up databases based on the audience
General Reference Center Gold 11
There are four different ways to search……. Keyword Subject Publication Title Entire Document Once you have chosen the way you want to search than you would choose to narrow your research… To document with full text To peer-reviewed publication To document with images We will select a keyword search………. We will choose only document with full text and document with images Question #10 “What is the impact of the Great Depression?” The results…… Magazine Results for Basic Search Keyword (impact of the great depression)Basic Search Limit Search by Related Subjects: Recession Limit Search by Related Subjects: Financial crises (15) The effect of the economic crisis on American households. 12
Continued….. You can choose from different formats Full-text PDF page(s) Select Full-text If you look to far right here are some important tools Tools View PDF pages Print Download Download MP3 View All Notes Highlights and Notes (0) Citation Tools Bookmark this Document More Sharing ServicesShare Document Translation 13
Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition The 2 nd Database we will learn today will be…….. Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition We will look at the question: “What would be the impact on our nation if we did not have the right to protest?” 14
15 Searching the database for a different resource
Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition 16
Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition 17
Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition 18 Scroll down the page and to the right under Recommended US Primary Sources…..Choose Bill of Rights
Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition 19 Then next, we will choose one of the following Constitution of the United States: Bill of Rights
Encyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition 20 I - Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. II - Right to keep and bear arms A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
African American History Online 21
Wait…..So, what is a Primary Source? A primary source is a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study. These sources were present during an experience or time period and offer an inside view of a particular event. Example: Letters, diaries, speeches, manuscripts, interviews, news film footage, autobiographies, official records 25
Timelines! 26
Images and Videos! 27
28 Congratulations!! successfully You have successfully completed Online Database Training. Look for more Springville Road Library!!
29 Database PowerPoint Designer Mollie McFarland Created January 2012