11 The Faculty Activity Information Reporting Project
2 Objectives »Provide faculty with easy to use tool to document academic activities and generate digital CVs »Provide administrators with web-based reporting for P&T, faculty review, accreditation
3 What’s been done Consulted with campus provosts & IFCIFC Directed environmental scan of industry Conducted focus groups & generated common themes Presented findings to provosts & IFC Conducted open forums on each campus & collected feedback Collected additional feedback from other stakeholders such as librarians and IR. Provide feedback to provosts & IFC Drafted a Request for Proposals (RFP)
4 University of Missouri’s Current Faculty Accomplishment System (a.k.a. FAS) “Front Page” Courses Publications
5 Environmental Scan »Institutional status › We are not alone in this need »Examples of commercial apps › Activity Insight by Digital Measures Activity Insight › Faculty 180 by Data 180 Faculty 180 › Research in View by Thomson Reuters Research in View » Pricing structures vary › By FTE or by unit
6 Focus Groups »Conducted two per campus › faculty and administrative »Discussed current state of FAS › likes and dislikes »Generated common themes › FAS Focus Group Themes »Moving forward › wants, needs and concerns
7 Themes
8 Customization & the User Interface »Doesn’t fit faculty who do clinical teaching and community service. »Our faculty experience frustration from having to choose from fields that are not intuitive and/or applicable. »We have someone in our office who does the data entry for our CVs because the user interface is so unfriendly. »Data entry was time consuming and slow. »There would be a value to have a system that could be customized to fit each department/division/unit.
9 Accountability »What is the purpose? »Who sees this data? »Why do we need a system-wide solution? »Does anyone at System/Jeff City look at this data? »Our department has not accessed FAS in five or six years. »College looks at data but faculty get little feedback. »What are my incentives other than I won’t get my raise?
10 Functionality »The system should be able to import from internal/external databases »Musts haves include assessment, customizable, align with P&T process, annual reviews/reports, accreditation, etc. »Output to faculty web profiles. »It must generate a variety of CVs and bio-sketches. i.e. for NIH, NSF, full CV. »It should be able to function as a repository for file storage i.e. pdf, mp3, wav, doc, etc.
11 Features
12 Baseline Needs for Faculty »Generate Digital CVs »Follow P&T workflow steps »Import Bibliographic Data »Import from External Databases »Direct feeds from UM Data »Maintain Document Repository »EndNote, Ref Manager, Zotero »Scopus, PubMed, etc.Scopus »SIS, Grants, etc. »Syllabi, Recordings, etc.
13 Digital Curriculum Vitae Example › Set CV reporting range for courses or select all › Output in Word, HTML (CV, BioSketch) or PDFCVBioSketch › Click on CV link above for a digital CV example with embedded documents › Use a template or select sections desired for CV › Hyperlinks to take you back to your profile
14 Baseline Needs for Administrators »Customizable Reporting »Generate Ad Hoc Reports »Accrediting Reports »P&T and Annual Faculty Reviews »Course Data Reporting »Grants & Publication Information
15 Additional Features »Auto-Generate Web Profiles › Department/College, Programs, Organizations »Generate Bio Sketches from Preloaded Templates › NSF, NIH, USDA »Report Templates can be defined › System, Campus, College, Department
16 What’s left to do »Product demos with campus presentations & web feeds – Fall 2013 »Vendor selection – Fall 2013 »Phase-In Implementation – Fall 2013 & Spring 2014 »Full Implementation – Summer 2014 & Fall 2014 (timeline subject to change)