An Introduction to the IMSLP Petrucci Music Library An online music resource
What is IMSLP and what resources does it offer? Welcome to the portal page of the International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)! We at the IMSLP believe that music should be something that is easily accessible for everyone. For this purpose we have created a music library to provide music scores free of charge to anyone with internet access, with several other projects in planning. IMSLP is also entirely collaborative, and all contributions are greatly welcome. Petrucci Music Library Browse by composer Search by melody Browse by instrumentation or genre Browse recordings by composer Browse by composer Search by melody Browse by instrumentation or genre Browse recordings by composer IMSLP Journal The IMSLP Journal is a music blog with articles touching a variety of music-related topics from the academic to the casual. Submit an article Submit an article IMSLP Forums The IMSLP Forums is where IMSLP contributors and users ask questions and discuss various topics. Please read the Rules thread at the top of the corresponding forum before posting, if applicable (some forums do not have a Rules thread). Main contact: Edward Guo.Edward Guo. The database currently houses 161,000 scores and 8,000 recordings
Access to music in the public domain The IMSLP Petrucci Music Library offers an ever growing database of public domain music scores, parts, and recordings. This database may be searched via search box by: Composer Melody Instrumentation Genre
Access and uploads Anyone with internet access can search the database and print scores at no charge Anyone who completes the free registration can also upload music to the site. This can be anything in the public domain or any proprietary works a composer chooses to make accessible
Copyright? IMSLP is based in Canada which has a life +50 year copyright law in place as opposed to the life +70 year law currently in the United States. Because this is an international database, warnings like this are common: Works by this person are most likely not public domain within the EU and in those countries where the copyright term is life+70 years. They may also be protected by copyright in the USA, unless published before 1923, in which case they are PD there as well. However, this person's works are public domain in Canada (where IMSLP is hosted), and in other countries where the copyright term is life+50 years.public domain within the EU and in those countries where the copyright term is life+70 years. They may also be protected by copyright in the USA, unless published before 1923, in which case they are PD there as well. However, this person's works are public domain in Canada (where IMSLP is hosted), and in other countries where the copyright term is life+50 years. IMSLP does not assume any sort of legal responsibility or liability for the consequences of downloading files that are not in the public domain in your country. So, while IMSLP does stringently police what is uploaded to make sure it is legal, the ultimate responsibility is on the user based on the laws of their own country
Search, choose, print Under each composer you will find an alphabetical list of works by that person. Clicking on a highlighted work will bring you to a page listing the work and links to download a pdf of the score and parts if they are available also. A search of the recording database will reveal downloadable MP3 files.
Recordings Registered members may also upload performances of their works if they hold the copyright or have written permission of the copyright holder. This allows potential performers to “screen” the music prior to making a selection and gives performers the opportunity to upload their own performances. These recordings appear alongside the scores when available and may be searched individually.
IMSLP Journal Users choosing to take advantage of the free registration can also log into the IMSLP Journal for free and view articles of musical interest from the public domain or directly from the author.
IMSLP Forum IMSLP also maintains an active forum area for registered members. The topics are user generated and are very interesting reading regarding the current topics and trends in music today. There is also a healthy ongoing discussion about the form and function of IMSLP and the most useful software for uploading and downloading.
Useability The IMSLP Petrucci Music Library site is laid out in a simple, logical format that promotes ease of use. The site is also linked with Wikipedia to offer dates and historical information on the composers.
Make it work for you When searching for music in the public domain or just looking for another work for your next recital, be sure to take advantage of IMSLP.