Have you ever wondered how Amazon send items to customers homes? HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=Z2BS0NQVYQS.


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Presentation transcript:

Have you ever wondered how Amazon send items to customers homes?

How do suppliers help Tesco? What do they do? How will this help Tesco?

How do delivery companies help Tesco? What do they do? How will this help Tesco?

Watch the video  Watch the video. How would you link this video to retail business? Does UPS offer support to retail business? 

How do banks help TESCO? What do they do? How will this help Tesco?

Against the clock You have 5 minutes in groups (against the sand timer!) to list: Name as many support businesses you can think of. What is the importance of support businesses to retail business. Now feedback to the class

How do ICT support help TESCO? What do they do? How will this help Tesco?

What other organisations support retail business? What do they do? How will this help Tesco?

Task- P3  Explain, using examples, the role of two businesses that support the retail business. Use the ticklist to help (P3)