DHHS COE Meeting Agenda April, 2014 □Contract Compliance Reporting □Contract Update □Questions and Answers
Office of Procurement & Contract Services Quarter 3 – SFY 2014 Contract Report for Center of Excellence April 2014
Q3 - Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals (RFPs not included)
Q3 - Average Number of Days Contract or Amendment Approvals
Q3 - Department Timely Approvals
Department Timely Approvals Q3 - Monthly Comparison
Q3 - Contract and Amendment Approval Times (RFPs not included)
Q3 - Divisions submitting all contracts prior to the effective date □Division of Health Service Regulation □Division of State Operated Healthcare Facilities □Office of Rural Health and Community Care
Q3 - Compliance Rating Monthly Comparison 79%55% 63% 65% In Compliance %
Q3 - Compliance Rating
Divisions with a Compliance Rating above 90%
Q1 - Q3 – Areas of Compliance ( RFPs not included)
Contract News A RFA Committee was formed in October to look at opportunities for efficiencies in the RFA process. Some key areas are: (1)Develop RFA like RFP; whereby the RFA becomes the contract (2)Look at the role of the reviewers/approvers in the contract approval process (Essential/Non Essential (3) Range Analysis to determine the average number of days it currently takes to develop a contract from a RFA (4)Committee Members: Sherri Settle, Sherri Garte, David Oglesby, David Womble, Dr. Robin Cummings, Sharon Jordan, Carlotta Dixon, Sharon Smith, bj Avent-Farmer, and Allison Owen