CORBA/TMN Interworking Solutions Hewlett-Packard Co Telecom Management Division
Business Drivers Emergence of CORBA as the object distribution technology of choice Need to smoothly integrate legacy management paradigms Cost of telecommunications-specific solutions Need to address end-to-end management across different management technologies Solution must preserve industry investments in information models and deployed systems
Interworking scenarios CORBA manager Gateway OSI agent IIOP CMIP OSI manager Gateway CORBA agent CMIP IIOP CORBA manager CORBA agent IIOP CORBA manager Gateway Gateway CORBA agent IIOP CMIP IIOP
Gateway levels “Repeater”: Transport translation “Bridge”: Encoding IIOP vs CMIP/SNMP “Bridge”: Encoding CDR vs BER “Gateway”: Services and concepts CORBA vs OSI mgmt/SNMP mgmt Synchronous vs message-based Single answer vs multi answer (to one operation) Single operation vs multi operation (per message) Connection transparent vs explicit (OSI) Object model vs table model (SNMP)
Object granularity Coarse grained Fine grained One CORBA object represents many domain objects Fewer, more complex, “fatter” objects Every call carries target object information Operations generic to multiple objects Fine grained One CORBA object per domain object Many, simpler, “thin” objects Target object is implicit Operations specific to the object, type safe
HP TMD approach Dual solution, covering different target customers “BMP Server (a.k.a CORBA-TMN Bridge)” Supports transport translation only (“IIOP <-> CMIP”) One CORBA object per association (“Coarse grained”) Appropriate for shops with current GDMO/ASN.1/CMIP expertise and tools, and applications to be migrated Not concerned with CORBA model, but only CORBA distribution “CORBA-TMN Gateway (a.k.a JIDM Gateway)” Supports translation at all levels (Transport, Encoding, Object) One CORBA object per CMIP association (“Coarse grained”) and/or one CORBA object per domain object (“Fine grained”) Appropriate for shops with long-term CORBA view
BMP Server Provides “repeater” functionality CORBA programmer needs to know GDMO/ASN.1 and model Low transparency Encoding is done in CORBA program Suitable for “migration” situations CORBA OSI OSI agent CORBA manager BMP Server OSI agent CORBA manager IIOP (BER) Q3 GDMO2 GDMO 1&2 GDMO 2 GDMO1
CORBA-TMN Gateway Full CORBA solution Dynamic implementation JIDM Compliant Implementation Clients do not need to know GDMO/ASN.1 or CMIP Complete transparency (encoding, model, protocol) from CORBA space Dynamic implementation No recompilation needed Embedded (or external) Notification service Extremely scalable without loss of performance Federated (using delegation) CORBA OSI OSI agent CORBA manager Dynamic Gateway Notif OSI agent CORBA manager IIOP Q3 GDMO2 IDL1&2 IDL2 GIR GDMO1
JIDM NMF/OpenGroup Joint Inter-Domain Management group Design Goals Specification Translation: Provides algorithms for information model translation GDMO/ASN.1 <-> IDL Interaction Translation Dynamic behavioral conversion OSI Management model in CORBA Design Goals Completeness Simplicity Reuse of OMG specifications Freedom of implementation Domain Familiarity (Corba programmer sees Q3 IDL JIDM is a NMF/Opengroup standard. This standard has also being submitted to the OMG for adoption which is expected by year end. Leveraging OMG Naming, Lifecycle, Event Channel and Notification. 1
Manager/Agent model MIB Management Protocol Information Model Manager Operations Notifications Management Protocol
Extended Mgr/Agent model Manager Domain Managed Domain Notifications Operations Manager Domain Title Manager Entity/Object Managed Entity/Object Port
JIDM Interface taxonomy Generic Common to all management models Abstract, simple and extensible Management-model specific Specific to a management model (OSI) Generic to all information models within that management model Not necessarily type safe Information model specific Specific to a given information model Concrete and type safe Automatic generation from foreign information models (GDMO/ASN.1)
Structural Model ... JIDM Common Facilities OSI Management Facilities Access to management domains Manipulation of MOs (access+creation) Event notifications OSI Management Facilities SNMP Management Facilities CMIS operations (GET, SET, ACTIONS...) Callback interfaces for asynchronous operations OSI names mapping SNMP operations To be completed ... X.721 Specific interfaces for every X.721 MOCs
Scalable architecture CORBA Manager OSI Managed Domain JIDM gateway Data translator IDL Stubs DII IDL Skel DSI Dyn Any Dyn BER Mutithreaded Reg/Rsp mgr ORB 2.x ORB 2.2 CMIP Infrastructure CMIP Infrastructure GIR IIOP CMIP
Conclusion READY FOR PRIME TIME! Full functionality of underlying management model Retains familiar concepts in each management domain Flexible coarse and fine grained object approaches type safe and generic interactions Preserves investment in information models and deployed systems Uses CORBA to simplify the implementation Consistent with CORBA OMA READY FOR PRIME TIME!