K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.41 Introduction to FP7, principles of gender mainstreaming in FP7 and projects in FP6 NEWS Workshop, Brussels 11 October 2007 Karen Slavin European Commission DG RTD
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.42 Overview FP7 Specific Programmes People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom + Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.43 Budget for FP7 EC Programme million Euro (current prices) – Cooperation million Euro – Ideas million Euro – People million Euro – Capacities million Euro – JRC EC Programme million Euro Euratom Programme million Euro (current prices ) –Fusion Energy Research million Euro –Nuclear Fission and Radiation Protection 287 million Euro –JRC Nuclear Research Activities 517 million Euro Annual budget: ~ 40% increase compared to FP6 on average 75% real terms increase between 2007 to 2013
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.44 Overview FP7 Context and key ideas I l Emphasis on competitiveness –(Revised) Lisbon strategy –Barcelona target 3% of GDP for R&D –Sustainable development objectives –Advance with the European Research Area –Enlarged EU … l Longer duration (seven years up to 2013) l Substantial increase in the budget – proposed total million EUR (excl. EURATOM) …still far less than the Commission proposals l New funding modalities
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.45 Overview FP7 Context and key ideas II l “Continuity” - evolution of successful FP6 elements –Themes for collaborative research –Marie Curie actions … l Major new approaches –ERC (European Research Council) –Coordination of national research programmes (ERA NET and ERA-NET PLUS) –Strategic approach to research infrastructures –Regions of Knowledge –Joint Technology Initiatives …
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.46 FP7 Funding Schemes l Collaborative Projects l Networks of Excellence l Coordination and Support Actions l Support for Frontier Research (ERC) l Research for the Benefit of Specific Groups l Support for Training and Career Development of Researchers (Marie Curie) l Combinations – e.g. CP and CSA
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.47 Other relevant areas in FP7 CAPACITIES SP - Science in Society 5. Science in Society Strengthening and improving the European science system Broader engagement political and societal issues (inc. ethical issues) Science and technology and their place in society Gender research and the role of women in research Science education – curiosity and the participation of young people Policy for the role and engagement of universities Improved communication
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.48 Principles of gender mainstreaming in FP7 l Gender dimension of research content will be addressed in the work programmes l Evaluation: 40% objective l Negotiation: raising awareness, informing and checking l Reporting: SiS Reporting questionnaire including Workforce statistics and gender equality questions
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.49 Evaluation Evaluation of gender aspects, if specified in call/ work programme - S&T Quality Concept, objective, work-plan –Implementation Individual participants and consortium as a whole Allocation of resources –Impact Contribution to expected impacts listed in work programme Plans for dissemination/exploitation
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.410 Evaluation Selection of experts: l The European Communities pursue an equal opportunities policy and aim in particular at achieving in the medium term at least 40 % of members of each sex in each expert group and committee (2000/407/EC: Commission Decision of 19 June 2000 relating to gender balance within the committees and expert groups established by it) l APPLY TO BE AN EVALUATOR! (details at end of presentation!)
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.411 Negotiation For (large) CP and NoE Special Gender Actions are possible and can be re-imbursed as part of the project (see section on gender in proposal template). This can include: Establishment of networks, management courses, training or mentoring activities, measures to facilitate work/life balance, outreach activities (schools, universities) and collaboration with industries The Science in Society programme will establish a help desk where projects can get advice on the type of activities that could be included
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.412 FP456 Gender Distribution Overview
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.413 Selection of FP6 funded projects that could be of interest to NEWS l QUING - Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies l FEMCIT – Gendered citizenship in Multicultural Europe l FEMAGE - Needs for Female Immigrants and their Integration in Ageing Societies
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.414 QUING l The European Union values diversity and inclusion; yet at the level of its member states, many examples of exclusion and polarization can be found, whether the focus is on gender, ethnicity, religion or sexuality. The research project “Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies (QUING)” tackles these issues to provide the knowledge for inclusive gender+ equality policies. QUING is funded within the European Commission’s 6th Framework Program and will last for 54 months ( ). l
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.415 FEMAGE l The overreaching objectives are to generate knowledge about obstacles and needs for opportunity enhancement for economic and social integration and emancipation of women immigrants in a life-course perspective, identify requirements for integrative interaction between immigrants and national population in the host country, build this knowledge into a platform for the policy deliberations among key policy stakeholders, and elaborate recommendations on needs for immigrants and support policies and services for their integration in view of population ageing in Europe. l
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.416 FEMCIT l FEMCIT sees citizenship as rights and responsibilities, routes to political access, economic participation as well as feelings and practices of social and cultural belonging. The following aspects of citizenship are addressed in the project: l Political citizenship (democratic participation/representation) l Social citizenship (family policy, child care) l Economic citizenship (work, access to and equality in employment) l Ethnic and religious citizenship (minority/majority feminism & racism, gender equality and religion) l Bodily and sexual citizenship (control over the body (reproductive rights) and sexuality (sexual violence) l Intimate citizenship (new family formations and transformations of intimate life)
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.417 l FP7 in general l FP7 Calls l Science in Society l SSH Further information
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.418 Evaluators needed! Please (re)-register at: l emmfp7/index.cfm?fuseac tion=wel.welcome emmfp7/index.cfm?fuseac tion=wel.welcome
K.S. 11/10/07EC-DG Research / L.419 Go raibh maith agaibh! Thank you for your attention!