Involvement of Azerbaijan Research Centers in FP7 programs: Institute of Physics's PRIMA-ERA project Eldar Mammadov Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National.


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Presentation transcript:

Involvement of Azerbaijan Research Centers in FP7 programs: Institute of Physics's PRIMA-ERA project Eldar Mammadov Institute of Physics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Baku State University, September 2011

What is FP7 ? Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development The Framework Programme is the main tool for research funding in the European Union FP7 supports research in specific priority areas FP7 supports mobility, training, knowledge sharing, technological transfer, cooperation and international collaboration

FP7: Tommorow’s answers start today EU goal is to build the most dynamic competitive knowledge-based economy Growth and Jobs Research Education Innovation Economic growth Jobs Quality of life (GSM, safe roads etc.) Social challenges: fight poverty, improve human health, environmental protection

FP7 (2007-2013) Structure The broad objectives of FP7 have been grouped into 6 categories Category Description Budget Cooperation – collaborative research € 32.365 bl Ideas – frontier research € 7.460 bl People – Marie Curie actions € 4.728 bl Capacities – research capacity € 4.217 bl Euratom – nuclear research € 2.751 bl JRC – non-nuclear research € 1.751 bl

FP7: Cooperation Objective: bringing together best talents from across Europe (researchers, industry and SMEs) to tackle the thematic priority areas FP7 Thematic Priorities Health Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Energy Environment Transport Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Security Space

FP7: Ideas conducting frontier research Objective: to reinforce excellence, dynamism and creativity in European research Frontier (“basic”) Research is a key driver to innovation and economic performance Support investigator-driven frontier research over all areas of research Support projects of individual teams Excellence as sole criterion

FP7: People Marie Curie Actions: Fellowships, Grants, Awards Initial and Life-long training of researchers and career development 􀃎 Marie Curie Networks 􀃎 Individual Fellowships 􀃎 Industry-academia pathways and partnerships 􀃎 Industry-Academia Knowledge–sharing Scheme International dimension 􀃎 Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships 􀃎 International Cooperation Scheme 􀃎 Reintegration grants 􀃎 Support to researcher ‘diasporas’ Mobility & excellence 􀃎 Mobility and career enhancement actions 􀃎 Excellence awards Open for third-country researchers

FP7: Capacities excellent infrastructures to conduct research Research infrastructures 􀂃Research for the benefit of SMEs 􀂃Regions of Knowledge 􀂃Research Potential 􀂃Science in Society 􀂃Coherent development of policies 􀂃Activities of International Cooperation

CAPACITIES - International Cooperation ERA-WIDE Integrating EU neighbours into the European Research Area (ERA) Objective: To reinforce the cooperation capacities of research centres located in the European Neighbourhood Policy countries, which are not associated to FP7, in the areas of the thematic priorities of FP7. Mediterranean Partner Countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Lebanon, Syria Eastern Europe and South Caucasus: Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia

A roadmap for proposal preparation 1. Carefully study the Call Fiche and the Work Programme 2. Identify main goals and expected outcomes 3. Study evaluation criteria and mechanisms 4. Identify the idea of the proposal 5. Identify and contact partners 6. Write a draft in accordance with Guide for Applicants 7. Ask colleagues to peer-review the draft 8. Make corrections/additions 9. Submit the proposal well before the deadline

ERA-WIDE 2011 – Call fiche Call identifier: FP7-INCO-2011-6 Call publication date: 20/07/2010 Call closure date: 15/03/2011 Indicative budget: EUR 15.00 MILLION Evaluation criteria: threshold of 3 on criteria and 10 on total, - Preference given to proposals involving research organisations, universities and/or industrial organisations from MS/AC. - The participation of organisations from the target country is considered essential.

Call Fiche – Participants profile INCO ERA-WIDE 2011 Call Fiche – Participants profile The call is addressed to research centres of proven high level S&T capacities, which are located in an ENP country not associated to FP7; The proposal should target only one such centre; The consortium should include additional participants, in particular from the Member State (MS) and/or Associated Country (AC) The research centre targeted by the proposal should be the coordinator of the proposal. 12

Work Programme – Proposed Activities ERA-WIDE 2011 Work Programme – Proposed Activities Twinning with research centres in Member States or Associated Countries in view of exchanging knowledge and good practices, disseminating scientific information, identifying partners and setting up joint experiments through short-term visits or exchange of staff, meetings, seminars, and similar activities; Developing training modules to build competency and facilitate the participation of these centres in FP7; Developing research centres’ strategy in order to increase their scope and visibility (regional coverage, activities), to develop comparative advantage and to improve their competitiveness by enhancing their responses to the socio-economic needs of their countries and of the region.

Work Programme – Expected Outcomes ERA-WIDE 2011 Work Programme – Expected Outcomes contribution to RTD capacity building and management in the target country; • enhanced participation of the country in the FP7; • increased visibility and scope (regional coverage, subjects, activities) of the centres with increased linkage with economic and social environment; • networking with other research centres in MS or AC; • increased job opportunities that encourage gender equality in the country, in particular for young scientists (measures to avoid 'brain drain' phenomena: better career opportunities, better work conditions, access to research infrastructures).

Research Organizations in Azerbaijan Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Public and Private University Laboratories Governmental and Private Company Laboratories Public and Private University Laboratories Governmental and Private Company Laboratories

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Comprises of 5 departments: Physical and Mathematical Sciences Chemistry Geosciences Biology Social sciences with about 40 research institutes and sections Created in 1945 the Academy of Sciences is a premier scientific research organization in Azerbaijan

Institute of Physics (IPA) The Institute of Physics was created in 1945 over 35 laboratories and departments about 750 employees 420 research staff: 6 academicians and 2 corresponding members 69 DSc 202 PhDs 30 PhD students Institute of Physics is the main research body in the physical sciences in Azerbaijan

PRIMA-ERA purpose and concept ERA-WIDE 2011 Application from Azerbaijan: Promoting and Improving Azerbaijan Research Collaboration with European Research Area – PRIMA-ERA PRIMA-ERA purpose and concept To reinforce the cooperation between Azerbaijan and European researchers and to provide successful integration of the Institute of Physics at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (IPA) into European Research Area (ERA). To establish close collaboration links in coherence with the concept of the “mutual interests of the EC and ENP partner countries”

PRIMA-ERA: Objectives to increase Institute of Physics capacities and preparedness for collaboration in the FP7 to increase visibility of Institute of Physics for international scientific community and other stakeholders to ensure the compliance of the Institute of Physics’s research activities with socio-economic needs of the country and regionally and provide better career opportunities for young scientists

PRIMA-ERA: Consortium Participant # 1: IPA (Azerbaijan) - the target organization Participant # 2: Institut de Recherche et Development sur l’Energie Photovoltaique, CNRS-IRDEP (France) Participant # 3. Marmara Research Centre at the TUBITAK, TUBITAK-MAM (Turkey)

IPA research activities and infrastructure IPA has been awarded the large pilot grant 2011-2012 from Azerbaijan Science Development Foundation for upgrading experimental capabilities Main Research Fields: Semiconductor Physics Nanostructured Materials Materials Physics Energy

PRIMA-ERA Research Topics

IPA strengths and weaknesses Strong background of the research staff Large potential for international research cooperation and networking with international research centers Extended research capacities in both fundamental and applied components of scientific research Leading positions among the research institutions of the Academy of Sciences, potential for turning into regional center for frontier research Weaknesses Weak collaboration and networking with European research centers and absence of the FP7 projects Insufficient international visibility of IPA Decreasing inflow of young people necessary for sustainable leadership at national level, small number of visiting scientists from other countries Absence of long-term strategy coherent with socio-economic environment

PRIMA-ERA: Consortium Institut de Recherche et Development sur l’Energie Photovoltaique, IRDEP A new institute based on 30 years experience in photovoltaics EDF Electricité de France CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique IRDEP Proof of Concepts: New materials and processes Transfer to industry IRDEP Since 2005 Chimie- ParisTech IRDEP Scientific Knowledge: Chemistry and Electrochemistry Materials, Solid-state & device physics Theory and Modelling IRDEP: About 45 person 1200 m2 with 800 m2 laboratories Advanced physical and chemical deposition and characterization methods Engineering School

PRIMA-ERA: Consortium Marmara Research Centre at the TUBITAK, Materials Institute More than 30 FP6-FP7 projects; about 240 ongoing projects Marmara Research Center Chemistry Institute Earth and Marine Sciences Energy Environment Food Genetic Engin. and Biotechnol. Materials Institute Since 1968 Laboratories Electron Microscopy Non-Destructive Testing X-Ray Spectrometry and Diffractometry Mechanical Testing and Heat Treatment DTA-TGA Magnetic Properties Analysis Others

PRIMA-ERA Action Plan IPA IRDEP TUBITAK-MAM twinning development of training modules delivery of trainings Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge Increasing IPA Visibility Development IPA Strategy twinning exchange of employees joint experiments TUBITAK-MAM IRDEP

PRIMA-ERA Activities Research staff exchange between IPA and IRDEP Improved IPA Cooperation Capacities: Twinning, Networking, Exchange of Knowledge, Dissemination, Increased Visibility, Improved Human Potential, Long-term Strategy Research staff exchange between IPA and IRDEP Development of joint research projects and experiments Development of research proposals for FP7 applications Workshop on Photovoltaics Summer School on Materials for Renewable Energy Seminar on Innovations and Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers Development and delivery of FP7 trainings On-site trainings Development and dissemination of IPA promotional materials Attendance of international scientific events IPA “open day” events Development and peer-review of IPA research strategy paper

PRIMA-ERA Overview

Thank you for your attention!