S 1 Core theme meeting 2013 European Commission mandatory requirements for scientists Chiara Bearzotti NACLIM project manager UHAM
S 2 Legal background Grant agreement (GA) signed with the European Commission (EC) This is our contract with the EC, consisting of 1)GA clauses (standard core text) 2)General Clauses (standard Annex II to the GA) 3)Special Clauses of the GA (special for NACLIM) 4)Description of Work (DOW) = approved NACLIM proposal Consortium Agreement signed by all partners This is the contract between NACLIM partners, signed by all partners and checked thoroughly by your legal experts at the time of writing Guide to Intellectual Property Rules for FP7 projects ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/ipr_en.pdf Contractual documents are available in the NACLIM intranet
S 3 EC requirements for scientists… …are mandatory. These are: Rules for crediting the EC contribution correctly Special Clause 39: Open Access to NACLIM publications Special Clause 29: Access to foreground What happens if we do not comply? NACLIM funding could be decreased or fully cancelled!
S 4 Requirements Rules for crediting the EC contribution: applying to your Powerpoints, Posters, Articles, Reports, Patents Special Clause 39: Open access to NACLIM publications Special Clause 29: Access to foreground
S 5 Powerpoints: crediting the EC contribution 1) Add this slide to your presentation >> (available in the intranet) 2) Send a copy of your presentation to Project office (Chiara): we must list all interventions in the EC SESAM database and archive all presentations in the intranet
S 6 Posters: crediting the EC contribution 1) Add the TWO EU logos to the poster (available in the intranet) 2) Add the sentence: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ) under grant agreement n NACLIM Project” 3) Send a copy of your poster in PDF to Project office (Chiara): we must archive all interventions in the EC SESAM database and upload them in the intranet +
S 7 Articles: crediting the EC contribution 1) Add this sentence: “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ) under grant agreement n NACLIM Project” 2) Send a copy of the POST-PRINT version to Project office (Chiara) for uploading to EC SESAM database & NACLIM intranet “Post-print” version is the final manuscript of a peer-reviewed paper accepted for journal publication, including all modifications from the peer review process, but not yet formatted by the publisher 3) Indicate the DOI to Project office (Chiara) as soon as the article is published. Necessary for uploading info to EC SESAM database
S 8 Reports: crediting the EC contribution Examples: Workshop report, article in the press… 1) “The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ) under grant agreement n NACLIM Project” 2) Whenever possible, add the TWO EU logos (intranet) 3) Send a copy of the document to Project office (Chiara) for uploading to EC SESAM database and in the NACLIM intranet +
S 9 Patents: crediting the EC contribution 1) “"The work leading to this invention has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme FP7/ under grant agreement n NACLIM Project” 2) Send information to Project office (Chiara) on following:
S 10 Requirements Crediting the European Commission (EC) contribution Special Clause 39: Open access to NACLIM publications Special Clause 29: Access to foreground
S 11 Contractual requirements: GA Spec. Clause 39 According to the mandatory requirements of the grant agreement (GA), Special Clause 39, NACLIM scientists, as EC grant recipients, are required to make their best efforts to ensure that electronic copies of publications become freely available to anyone - either through an institutional or subject- based repository, as soon as possible, and no later than six months after publication. "Open access" (OA) in this context refers to peer-reviewed publications only
S 12 How can we comply with OA requirements? Privilege Open Access Journals If OA Journals are not interesting to you: Ask your publisher for a Golden OA If no Golden OA is possible, then opt for a Green OA and self-deposit the post-print version If you cannot, ask the publisher to make an exception for the FP7 with an “Amendment to publishing agreement” Consult the list: Check the publishing agreement & pay extra fee for a Golden OA Check publishing conditions in Sherpa/RoMEO database: can you deposit the post-print version? Sherpa/RoMEO database Send to publisher the templates available in the NACLIM intranet If all above is not feasible: wait the end of the embargo time (6M) and then send the final manuscript to project office and deposit the final version or post-print version
S 13 Contractual Requirements How to provide open access? Golden Open Access Open access publishing OR Green Open Access Self-archiving Which version of the article? Final published article –golden OA- OR Final peer-reviewed manuscript (POST-PRINT version) –green OA- Who deposits the article? Main author
S 14 Golden OA: Open access publishing Pay extra publication fees for immediate access to your final published article (eligible costs under FP7) Which version? Final published article Where to deposit? 1) Institutional repository of the research institution with which you are affiliated 2) EC SESAM database NACLIM website (through Chiara) 3) EC OpenAIRE Orphan Repository Who deposits the article? 1)You 2) Chiara 3) You When? As soon as the paper is published
S 15 Green OA : Self-archiving Make sure you are legally allowed to deposit the post-print version during the embargo period and after the embargo is over Which version? Final peer-reviewed manuscript= the POST-PRINT version Where to deposit? 1) Institutional repository of the research institution with which you are affiliated 2) EC SESAM database NACLIM website (through Chiara) 3) EC OpenAIRE Orphan Repository Who deposits the article? 1)You 2) Chiara 3) You When? As soon as you have the post-print version
S 16 The four repositories we will use in NACLIM Articles will be made available at the following: 1. In the institutional repository of the institute where the authors work. Please indicate to Project office (Chiara) which pen repository you use 2. In a subject repository, if available. Please provide communication to the Project office (Chiara) with indication of the open repository used 3. If an institutional or subject repository is not available, in the OpenAIRE Orphan Repository, hosted by CERNOpenAIRE Orphan Repository 4. In the NACLIM website, by sending a copy of the publication to the Project office (Chiara)
S 17
S 18
S 19 EC SESAM database: what we need to collect Database Sections: Publications (articles) Dissemination activities Patents Exploitable Foreground Inputs uploaded here provide feed for: Period report tables + Final report tables OpenAIRE database (EUFP7 project on Open Access)
S 20 SESAM database of the EC: peer-reviewed articles
S 21 SESAM database of the EC: dissemination (I)
S 22 SESAM database of the EC: dissemination (II)
S 23 Project office needs to collect information on Send s to project office or Mention these in your WP and deliverable reports
S 24 Requirements Crediting the European Commission (EC) contribution Special clause 39: Open access to NACLIM publications Special Clause 29: para.1 on personal data para.2 access to foreground para. 3 transfer of foreground
S 25 Special clause 29 para.1 Data collection Are you collecting data related to other scientists? Data= names, photographs, telephone numbers, birth date and address If yes, you are a „Data Controller“ Data controllers must respect the privacy and data protection rights of those whose personal data is entrusted to them. More specifically, they must collect and process personal data only when this is legally allowed, respect obligations regarding the processing of personal data, respond eventually to complaints regarding breaches of law or misuse of data, and cooperate with data protection authorities established at national level Legal references: Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data How to implement this: get in contact with your legal department, and tell them what data you save in your files. You will be given appropriate instructions (ex: password protected folders…)
S 26 Special clause 29 para.2 EC access to foreground Para. 2 “The partners will provide the EC services with free access rights to the foreground, when this can help the development, the implementation and the monitoring of environmental policies” How to implement this: Access NACLIM website and intranet has been provided to EC officers If you receive a special request from project office (Chiara) or EC to access your NACLIM foreground, you must provide timely access to it
S 27 Special clause 29 para.3 Transfer of foreground to EC Para. 3 “Where the foreground will no longer be used by the partnership, nor transferred, the entire partnership is willing to transfer the foreground to the European Union, upon request of the Commission services” How to implement this: Indicate to the project office (Chiara) when your foreground will no longer be used Indicate to the project office (Chiara) if you intend to transfer your foreground to some other institute/project
S 28 Long story short Rules for crediting EC contribution: 1.Never forget to use logos, PowerPoint slide template and standard sentences (check the intranet) 2.Send copies of everything to Chiara Will you be talking about NACLIM somewhere? 1.Never forget to use logos, PowerPoint template and standard sentences (check the intranet) 2. Send copies of materials to Chiara Special clause 39 Open access: 1.Rules and steps to follow are in the intranet 2.Upoload article in the repositories 3.Inform Chiara Special Clause 29: Apply your institution‘s rules for handling of personal data. Give access to your foreground to EC if requested.
Resources This presentation: NACLIM intranet Logos and rules: NACLIM intranet Sherpa/RoMEO database for checking publishing restrictions of the journals: a=en a=en Directory of Open Access Journals OpenAIRE Orphan Repository:More on Open Access rules: Open Access pilot FP7 society/document_library/pdf_06/open-access-pilot_en.pdfhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/science- society/document_library/pdf_06/open-access-pilot_en.pdf
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP ), under grant agreement n NACLIM