Alan Cross, European Commission FP7 Open Day Riga, 16 November 2010 EU Framework Programme: taking stock, and looking ahead.


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Presentation transcript:

Alan Cross, European Commission FP7 Open Day Riga, 16 November 2010 EU Framework Programme: taking stock, and looking ahead

▪ A bit of history ▪ FP7 Snapshot ▫ current status, and the mid-term review ▪ Looking ahead

A bit of history

Main characteristics of EU programmes ▪ All funding through multi-annual “Framework Programmes” ▫ Currently FP7 ( ) ▪ Agreed by Council (Member States) and European Parliament ▪ Calls for proposals issued with fixed deadlines ▪ Mostly top-down, with objectives and topics for research set out in annual “work programmes” ▪ …but also substantial bottom-up element with the European Research Council

FrameworkProgramme: Framework Programme: increased funding, but still only minor fraction of total public R&D funding in EU

FP7 budget (€ million, current prices)  Note: Euratom FP: €2.7 billion over 5 years - not included above

Objectives of EU research policy*  Strengthening the scientific and technological bases of European industry,  By achieving a European Reseach Area  in which researchers and scientific knowledge circulate freely  And encouraging it to become more competitive at international level  While promoting all research deemed necessary by other chapters of the Treaty ▪ Research is a competence shared with the Member States. [* Article 179 TFEU* Treaty on the Functioning of the EU…ie. Lisbon Treaty] Since Treaty of Lisbon

The European Research Area

EU27 + EC

FP7 Snapshot

Headline statistics ▪ 170 calls for proposals ▫ 55,000 proposals have been received ( ) ▫ 235,000 applicants organisations and individuals included in evaluation procedure ▪ Over 9000 proposals selected for funding ▫ Involving over 50,000 participants ▫ Requesting EU funding of €15bn ▫ Average success rate of around 22% ▫ About 14.5% of all participants are SMEs

Success rates (EU27 Success rates (EU27 )

Latest calls ▪ The 2011 Work programme adopted on 19 July, accompanied by a major press and communication effort ▫ 46 calls published on 20 July ▫ 17 more calls published after the “big bang” ▪ Strong orientation towards innovation, including special measures to promote participation of SMEs ▪ 2012 work programmes: preparation is beginning, similar timetable envisaged.

FP7 Interim evaluation

15 Basics FP7 Decision: –Interim Evaluation “no later than” 2010 To cover FP as a whole Specific reviews in some areas (ERC, RSFF, INFSO …) Carried out by a group of 10 external experts Meetings from March to October 2010 Final Report submitted on 31 October 2010

16 04/11/10 Evaluation Report: First Key Message FP7 is on course and is clearly making a significant contribution to European science and the development of the European Research Area There are acknowledged difficulties in some aspects of its implementation, but it is important to applaud what is good about it

17 FP7 Interim Evaluation Ten recommendations (1) FP7 Interim Evaluation Ten recommendations (1) Advance ERA and Innovation Union objectives, overcoming fragmentation in research. Concentrate resources on fewer topics (Grand Challenges) where critical mass is necessary Develop high quality research infrastructure Maintain level of funding, both for FP7 in its latter stages and for a successor programme. A well-articulated innovation strategy is needed Simplification needs a quantum leap –For FP7: implement proposed simplification measures –For FP8: Use revision of the Financial Regulations

18 FP7 Interim Evaluation Ten recommendations (2) FP7 Interim Evaluation Ten recommendations (2) Mix of funding measures should strike a different balance between bottom-up and top-down approaches Consider a moratorium on new instruments until the existing ones have been sufficiently developed and adequately evaluated. Take further steps to increase female participation Pave the way for increased participation from Member States that are under-represented Promote opening of the FP7 to international cooperation by devoting more resources – and review the strategy

Looking ahead

Looking ahead to FP8 Still early days…. ….but the pieces of the policy jig-saw are falling into place: ▪ Previous evaluation studies ▪ FP7 Interim review ▪ Debate on simplification ▪ Europe 2020 and the Innovation Union flagship initiative ▪ EU Budget review ▪ …

Some of the key issues ▪ Budgetary context ▪ Increasing the impact of research ▫ Making every euro count ▪ Designing a programme to deliver innovation ▫ Innovation Union Flagship initiative ▪ Tackling societal challenges ▪ Balance between curiosity-driven and targeted research ▪ The role of FP8 in achieving the European Research Area De-fragmenting the research landscape Free movement of ideas and researchers Financial and non-financial mechanisms ▪ Streamlined procedures and the debate on simplification

EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Research DG Timeline  Feb 2011: “FP8” Communication  Mid 2011: Multi-annual Financial Framework  End 2011: “FP8” Proposals  2012: Proposals for further developing ERA  :Debate in Council and EP  2014:Launch of new Programme

Broad stakeholder consultation in 2011 ▪ Triggered by a Commission Communication ▫ Scheduled for adoption February 2011 ▪ Views to be gathered via an open internet questionnaire ▪ Position papers submitted spontaneously also welcome ▪ A wrap-up event is planned, late-May ▪ Commission will then finalise its proposals: ▫ Framework Programme (“Lisbon” and Euratom) ▫ Specific Programmes ▫ Rules for Participation Accompanied by impact assessments ▪ And then the inter-institutional process begins

Thank you for your attention!