Possible IDEA Topics for FP7 Stefan Schoenert MPIK Heidelberg
Overview JRA/NW –Experimental benchmark tests for nuclear structure calculations: charge exchange experiments, muon capture, …. Or more fantastic: beta beams –Improved screening facilities: Pushing the sensitivity of U-238 progenies (Ra-226 and below) and Th-228 progenies screening to the 1 Bq/kg limit (bulk) : Bulk contamination: array of germanium Surface activities: large surface alpha counter (10 Bq/m^2) –Active suppression methods to reach bgd index <10 -4 cts/keV kg y in Germanium experiments Design study: –Few 10 meV scale: Funded experiments : Cuore, GERDA-I/II (III depending of physics results) Funded R&D: Super-Nemo New technology: Cobra, Edelweiss-type Ge, design study for 1 meV scale? Is this too early?
Experimental benchmark tests for nuclear structure calculations: charge exchange Dieter Frekers, Erice 05
Experimental benchmark tests for nuclear structure calculations: charge exchange Dieter Frekers, Erice 05
Energy [keV]GeMPI HD-Moscow det. # (U/Ra) (U/Ra) (Th) (Th) 17 (K) 90 keV GeMPI Operated at LNGS (3500 m w.e.) background (peak) count rates [c/kg y] From G. Heusser Improved screening facilities Two new systems built: GeMPI-2 GeMPI-3
Array of GeMPI type of detectors ? Cost: ~ 1MEuro Major efforts: Underground machining facilities CNC, wire erosion, underground Crystal mounting and testing; Need to be lead by underground laboratory
Surface screening detector Alpha counting with sensitivity of 1 alpha/day/m^2 Dimension ~ 1m x 1m Not quite a BiPo detector as proposed for Super-Nemo
2 : MeV : E max = 318 keV 1 : MeV T 0 : crystal growing Bq/kg per day exposure Test: detector production in 7.4 days Assume 30 days 2.5 ·10 -3 / (keV·kg·y) T 0 : crystal growing Bq/kg per day exposure Test: detector production in 7.4 days Assume 30 days 2.5 ·10 -3 / (keV·kg·y) Active suppression methods to reach bgd index <10 -4 cts/keV kg y in Germanium experiments Example: Internal 60 Co
2 kg 60 Co background spectrum 11 22 1 + 2 Q MC simulation
2 kg 60 Co: suppression by segmentation Q MC simulation
2 kg 60 Co: suppression by segmentation ~10 (7 seg.) N seg = 1 Q MC simulation N hit = 3 illustration: Simple 7-fold segmentation
60 Co: suppression by LAr Ge-anticoinc. ~100 LAr anticoinc. Liquid Argon Q MC simulation 2 kg
60 Co: segmentation and LAr Ge-anticoinc. ~1000 Liquid Argon N seg = 1 AND LAr anticoinc Q 2 kg MC simulation
Design study Few 10 meV scale: Funded experiments : Cuore, GERDA-I/II (III depending of physics results) Funded R&D: Super-Nemo New technology: Cobra, Edelweiss-type Ge, design study for 1 meV scale